my clone...


Well-Known Member
My clone went from being dark green to a lighter shade of green and my leaves are starting to fold inward like a taco and turn burn along the edges and tips...actually the tips turn really dark and crispy.....any input is helpfully.thanks for your time...


Well-Known Member
mmmmmm tacos.
post pics m8

pH fluctuations, heat stress, nute burn? what is your ph your temps what do you feed and when. also how old is the plant


Well-Known Member
Try "burping" your dome more often in the hot weather. I'm doing it now 5 or 6 times a day.
After 4-5 days in the dome the new growth will be very lite green/yellow. That's normal.
When leaves go brown I trim off only the leaf part that's dead. So don't trim off any more than
you have to. Leaves have to do all the breathing and feeding until the clone roots. Take care of them.


PS -- I'm also misting my dome'ers more often in the heat. Leaves will curl if they don't get enough moisture.