My clones are shaped like rainbows! :( help


I took some clones last night, stuck them in the rooting agent then the peat pellets, put them in a plastic container covered with some holes, and put under cfls. within an hour my clones slumped over with their tops nearly touching the floor. I thought they might bounce back and perk up after a bit but it's the day after and they still look like they are on their death beds. they have been staying between 80-85 degrees with 75-80% humidity. I don't know what happened or how to make them stand up straight. has anyone else had this problem? I wish i had a camera so i could take pics.


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question i dont know how to start a thread so im commenting on urs sry bro but i have a female she is about two weeks into flowering im pretty sure she is sativa but her white hairs are already turning orange why is that?