My closet set up. Open for suggestions:)


Well-Known Member
hey what up i see ur having problems w/ clones this try this if u havent allready cut the new shoots from moma at 45d use the gel horm and rockwool or somthing sim put them under floros till they root then try puting them in the bubbler i would get another bub tube for the resi ithink i read u only had 1 hope this helps


Well-Known Member
The bubbler is a one gallon container with a snap lid, cost .99 cents.

One can of black plastic spray paint, cost $4.99

1/2" black flexy tube 20', cost $5.00

10-15 gallon air pump, cost $9.99

1/8" air hose 10', cost $2.99

Heating pad, cost $8.99

(2) Air bubble wond, cost $3.99 each.

One tube of aquarium silicon, cost $3.99

1/2" spade drill bit, cost $Free for me, around $3.00

Fish tank water heater is better to use then the heating pad prob. cost,$20.

Thermostat, cost $3.00

I think that is it.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hey Jmac.
Ya I have a problem writting in my J.haha

The clones are doing good I didn't take any new pics. but I got 11 new clones with good roots now in soil. One of them doesn't look like it will make it, prob from the transplanting. I put a new tread about the clones that I have started. I will put some more pics up.

The process is so so slow....:wall:


Well-Known Member
Logan, glad to hear you're feeling better, getting sick seems inavidable during the winter, are the 11 clones from the bubbler? I just got what I think to be a complete fish tank set for two bucks with lights, pump etc.. do you think I could make some sort of cloning bubbler out of it or at least use the pump right?

Congrats on the clones, wish I could have better luck in that department..


Well-Known Member
Hey H.
Ya 9 were from the bubbler and 2 were the last time. The one died and it looks like three more might not make it.

I'm sure that fish take will work I would just get some limo tent from like walmart and put it on the out side to keep the light out.

Like said before its just a long process. I have found using the bubbler takes less time, I will be making a new one in a few days. I want to put 4 air bubblers in one bucket. The more air and water/nuts that hit the clones the better.

Don't give up just keep on tring.