My current bud


Well-Known Member
Heres a few pictures of my current bud,
has a real strong lemon smell. Definatly one of my favorite smokes that I can get somewhat reguarly.


Well-Known Member
I got a zip for 200$, my friend got a 1/4 for 60$ so im guessing its bout 30$ a 8th or dude doesn't like my friend haha.


Well-Known Member
I'd gladly pay $30 for an 1/8th of that stuff than the $30 for a 1/4oz of the stuff available to me now. And... the stuff kicking around now isn't half bad.


bro if your in canada you can get better for cheaper


Well-Known Member
I'm not IN Canada, though. I'm in Michigan, same as our pal [Lucas]. He's on the other side of the state, though.
Just wondering, were you born in canada?

Looks like some good smoke, I was able to score a couple grams of jack herer the other day. It knocks me right on my ass!


Well-Known Member
Yep, born and raised in Alberta. Now trapped in the Handjob State. I call it that because the state resembles a handjob... the upper peninsula being the odd-shaped dick and the lower part of Michigan being the hand reaching upward.


Well-Known Member
Yep, born and raised in Alberta. Now trapped in the Handjob State. I call it that because the state resembles a handjob... the upper peninsula being the odd-shaped dick and the lower part of Michigan being the hand reaching upward.
Wow thats hilarious! I had to google a map of michigan because to be honest I didnt know it even had two parts. But I can definetly see the hand and creepy looking dick hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Lol, Im guessing Im the second person to google michigan, definatley a hand and some poor deformed dick, I feel bad for whoevers penis is shaped like that. Kinda looks like America (the hand) is throwing shit at Canada as well. Just like usual, Canada always takes shit from america, when will it ever end :(


Well-Known Member
I just love Michigan because it's easy to show people where you live by using your hand. Hold up your right hand and you point to where you live on your palm... :bigjoint: