My dog ate 1/2 cup of ground herb


Well-Known Member
yep, i dotn even know the weight in grams, but it was about half a cup that it eventually threw back up.

i have 2 dogs, one loves the ganj and the other does care for it. well the one who doesnt care for it flipped its lid one day and ripped into a bag of ground herb. it happened one night at like 10 pm.

it was fine for about an hour or so. then it tweaked. leaning against walls, dragging itself forward with its front feet, it seemed like when you appraoched her - she would think you were way closer than you were and start wigging out.

she was like that for about 12 hours. didnt eat or get out of her bed utnil about 6 pm the following day.

the only thing i can compare this to is an episode of King of the Hill when they are spraying pigeons with some chemical that makes them trip, and all these pigeons are tripping out. thats what my dog was doing.


Well-Known Member
i did too, she was quite sick.

but now she gets high with the rest of us , just like her brother (dog) has been doing for a decade.

she needed to become one with the herb to fully appreciate it.


Active Member
yes yes thats wut we need to stoners its our job to show the world how great marijuana is then after we tell everyone we can it will one day be legal but then the man profits of it...but it will be ok


Well-Known Member
yes yes thats wut we need to stoners its our job to show the world how great marijuana is then after we tell everyone we can it will one day be legal but then the man profits of it...but it will be ok
the man profits off it more now having it illegal why do you think it is illegal


Well-Known Member
home made? HELL YEAH

i have 15 mins and then i have a 4.5 day weekend from work. im also running to my hydro shop to get stuff for my next grow- AK-47