My experience after quitting smoking after 6-7months of daily use


Well-Known Member
I started smoking back in august 09' and during that time it was mostly to help me sleep. I continued the habit until early december, and when I quit my appetite went to nothing and I couldnt sleep very much at all. I became sleep deprived and began eating very little to nothing at all for about a week. Eventually I became bedbound, so weak I could not get out of bed, this lasted for about 2 days. During those 2 days I had a lot of agonizing thoughts about all kinds of terrible shit. All of the sudden I started feeling really good and highly energetic. I thought I was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and thought I could rally the country up to take on the government. I went to my old school and talked with some of my old teachers about shit that I can't remember, however I do recall getting some strange looks. I also remember walking around walmart and feeling like I could mentally see all around me, like in 3rd person or someshit. This "high" period lasted about 2days. Towards the end of it I began getting more and more tired and the high faded into a feeling that is almost indescribable. It honestly felt like the feeling was death, and everything sounded distorted and weird. I recall my own dog barking at me, which she has never done and hasn't ever done to this day. I eventually got some food and got a few hours of sleep. When I woke up I felt like I got hit by a mac truck and had low blood sugar for about 5 days after. I dont really recall anything I did for the 6months I smoked so it feels like there was a void during that time period, and it frightens me somewhat thinking back on how batshit crazy I went for those couple of days. Marijuana withdrawal is indeed real, and I personally have no use for the drug anymore.

the hashshasher

Active Member
r u sure that shit u were smokin wasnt laced with something... i could smoke 24/7 ffor weeks and then just stop like it was nuttin so f%@k u man either ur shit was laced with sumthin or ur just on here tryin to giv weed a bad name


6-7 months huh...
I've been smoking for about 4 years.. But regularly I'd say about 2. When I quit cold turkey (actually I've never tried to quit, I'm mainly referring to when I'm out of weed/anything remotely smokeable) I have the same apetite loss and sleep deprivation you described.. And for a few days I even feel depressed and generally on edge for no apparent reason. But I brush it off as it being my nature, and I'm always back to my normal happy self once I smoke again. I can't say there ARE significant withdrawal symptoms from weed.. But it can definitely make you depressed when you're totally out. Though I think a contributing factor is whether you felt that way regularly before smoking weed. Idunno. Sorry all that weird shit happened.. Maybe weed just isn't for you or something. It doesn't react well for some people..


Well-Known Member
Depending on how good the herb is I suck on, the period can last anything from 4 days to two weeks.


Active Member
of what you describe, you are probably better of with a psychiatrist
weed is good for many things, but the syptoms you described are completely un-normal, nobody looses it like that with weed
plus all the thoughts you had when high, you are most likely a schizophrenic patient (don't freak on me, its quite normal)

nice bill hicks pic btw
his routines however are not gonna help you through your depression

YAY 100 POSTS!!!!


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like you should not be smoking......

I am trying to get my head round how coming down from THC can give you out of body experiences, and how this would relate to weed..

I have smoked for 25 years and have never experienced something like this.

I hope you get your mental state back in order

1 in 10 people have schizophrenic tendencies, and it is unfortunately heriditory. Perhaps check back in your family history.

Peace, DST

I started smoking back in august 09' and during that time it was mostly to help me sleep. I continued the habit until early december, and when I quit my appetite went to nothing and I couldnt sleep very much at all. I became sleep deprived and began eating very little to nothing at all for about a week. Eventually I became bedbound, so weak I could not get out of bed, this lasted for about 2 days. During those 2 days I had a lot of agonizing thoughts about all kinds of terrible shit. All of the sudden I started feeling really good and highly energetic. I thought I was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and thought I could rally the country up to take on the government. I went to my old school and talked with some of my old teachers about shit that I can't remember, however I do recall getting some strange looks. I also remember walking around walmart and feeling like I could mentally see all around me, like in 3rd person or someshit. This "high" period lasted about 2days. Towards the end of it I began getting more and more tired and the high faded into a feeling that is almost indescribable. It honestly felt like the feeling was death, and everything sounded distorted and weird. I recall my own dog barking at me, which she has never done and hasn't ever done to this day. I eventually got some food and got a few hours of sleep. When I woke up I felt like I got hit by a mac truck and had low blood sugar for about 5 days after. I dont really recall anything I did for the 6months I smoked so it feels like there was a void during that time period, and it frightens me somewhat thinking back on how batshit crazy I went for those couple of days. Marijuana withdrawal is indeed real, and I personally have no use for the drug anymore.


Well-Known Member
I've got no idea what you had or did, but that ain't the pot, dude. I've quit for a year for a job where smoking was impossible twice. Nothing like that at all.

I can remember once I was driving along, top down in my convertible, looking at the weird disney characters the trees were seeming to make in the breeze. I felt weirdly high, like an altered plain of existence. Once I realized it was the first time I'd been straight in about two years, I just settled back and enjoyed it. I don't recommend being straight for to long at once though. It just sucks.

The 3rd person Walmart thing makes me think having a professional to talk to wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. It couldn't hurt. Although walmart does that to people. Have you seen lately?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I agree, sounds most unlike coming down from weed as a normal regular folk. With me when i stop, there is certainly heavy insomnia, my brain plain can't recall how to put me to sleep, but you ajust after a week or two, other than that though, nothing changes other than i get really boerd and i start eating like a pig. I'm out of weed atm so i went and spent 60% of my paycheck on food because why not, when smoking though, won't go further than a packet of crisps or some toast.


Well-Known Member
If your mother uses alcohol during pregnancy it causes a little problem with the brain, which ironicaly is fixed with THC.
So do not expect all people to be just like you.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm not, but io know that my experience is fairly common to most other peoples experience, so am just highlighint as everyone else has that this certainly isn't your standard experience when stopping smoking after a short spell of continual.


Well-Known Member
I was told that the body goes into hyperdrive or someshit after being deprived of sleep and food for a number of days. At this point you hallucinate and think you're ontoo of the world, I think anorexics do it to themselves on purpose if I'm not mistaken. I thought I was Jesus and had mind control powers and things of that nature. Then when I came down unrealized I was batshit fucking insane for the last couple days. I've never at one point of my life felt 'uncomfortable' in my own mind but I certainly did after I came down from the "hyperdrive" state. As for therapy sessions, I've got better things to do with my time, and I'll eat shit before I take psychotic medication.
your probably better off with crack, marijuana is obviously to strong for you. Seriously, with or without weed, lack of sleep will cause all kinds of delusions.


Well-Known Member
of what you describe, you are probably better of with a psychiatrist
weed is good for many things, but the syptoms you described are completely un-normal, nobody looses it like that with weed
plus all the thoughts you had when high, you are most likely a schizophrenic patient (don't freak on me, its quite normal)

nice bill hicks pic btw
his routines however are not gonna help you through your depression

YAY 100 POSTS!!!!
Weed would make feel weird as shit. My day would go something like this. Wake up, Smoke. Go to Class from 9am-noon, go home, do about an 1hr of studying, play games (call of duty) for hours on end, Smoke, go to sleep, repeat. I also did 30mins of cardio 3 days a week.

I remember at one point I thought that being dead would actually be kinda cool. It would be like returning to what I was before I was born. I pictured myself as being electromagnetic energy floating around in the cosmos traveling from one universe to the other. Crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
your probably better off with crack, marijuana is obviously to strong for you. Seriously, with or without weed, lack of sleep will cause all kinds of delusions.
I think my issue was not with Marijuana, it was caused by the sleep deprivation and lack of food for so many days. However, I think marijuana withdrawal made things worse for me. I don't know if it kept me from being depressed but when I got off I definitely felt terrible.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like to actually need to see a doctor or something . Was you a paranoid smoker? I started smoking 2 1/2 years ago and suffer high anzity i know I spelled that wrong and all kinds of other shit .I have never quit but I do slack it back so that my majic returns. I don't think you ever smoked sure your not an activist trying to stir shit ? Your experiance is totally irelavent to any thing i have read or seen or experianced .Mabey you should find a i'm a crack smoker forum .

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
How can you get withdrawal from a substance that is not physically addictive?

I think that you may need to seek medical advice as something is not quite right with you, whether it is physical or mental.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How can you get withdrawal from a substance that is not physically addictive?

I think that you may need to seek medical advice as something is not quite right with you, whether it is physical or mental.
Mental withdrawal. You can't get physicallya ddicted but you can most definitely get mentally addicted which can play a bit of havock in the head when you are running on empty.


Well-Known Member
You seem to attribute everything to the Marijuana and nothing to the screwed up blood sugar etc.

Maybe other things are/were going on with your body...