My First and Second True Grow


Well-Known Member

Bagseed..Begining: 2-19-08 -Ending _________

Orange bud..Begining: 3-20-08 -Ending________

I decided I would give it another try, after many years of attempts and mistakes.. thats the only way to learn I figured ...that is untill I joined RIU...which does help out so much for advanced techniques. Unlike before I didnt have my own house or anywhere outside to plant. Now that I live on my own I have my own space but still... no space outside. Here are my adventures with wonderful mary jane.

seed type:
I Just recently bought some california orange bud seeds this is what the journel is based on but I also had some bag seed growin for about a month and a half now that im going to be talking about quite a bit.

Vegg light:
For the veggin cycle im going to use 8 6500k daylight cfl bulbs. I usually put these about an inch away from the plant surounding it.. not all of them are focused on the top.

flower light:
Im still waitin on this lil baby to arrive just purchased a compact 400 watt hps florasun system... that will be enough for 2 monsters with some aditional 2700k 42 watt cfl's surrounding it about 2 or 3 inches away. I've seen people grow four and five 4 footer monsters with just a 400 watt hps, which before i saw that I thought It was impossible but all of those plants had some HUGE buds. the guy also had a co2 setup which contributed to the size of those buds.

There's nothing around here local had trouble finding what I did though. Went to my local hardware store and got some shultz10-15-10 liquid plant food and shultz bloom plus water soluble 10-54-15 plant food they both contain micronutrients which is also a plus.this is what I started my orange bud with. With my bagseed plants I was using expert gardener 27-10-16, which sucked ass cause it was slow release then I swiched them over to the shultz's nutrients and they just took off. They're about 2 foot right now and I started them a month and 1 week ago.

I got some dirt from my local nursery and greenhouse. Its called "Frey's special blend" proffessional growers mix. It has a mix of perlite, peatmoss, nice black dirt, and little silver flakes.... probably ferts but this stuff is really good for my plants. It has good drainage and I dont know what nutrients are in it but my plants love it... they are so strong and bright green just from the dirt.

I bought two 3 gallon pots from wally world for transplanting my orange bud babys into. right now the bagseed plants are in them. i also have two half gallon ice cream containers with a hole in the bottom of each about the size of a quarter and the lids work great for catching the drainage. this is what i have the orange bud babys in. I have these sittin on top of the aerogarden for lighting cause the bagseed plants are on 12-12 lighting and the aerogarden has a 18-6 lighting schedule.

Im using aquafina purified water for now, expensive but works very very good it just so happens that I have a couple cases sittin around anyhow.when i dont have this i just use aged tapwater...aged for about 1-2 days for temp and chlorine purposes.

I keep the room temperature at exactly 75* F. I have a digital thermostate which also tells me the temp of the room and lets me adjust it to an exact temperature.

No CO2 setup but plan to get one in the future

I have a remote control circulation fan with settings to make it simulate outside wind... slows down and speeds up. it works really great cause I can also set the timer for it to run however long I want then shut off.

Space using:
3 ft deep x 9 ft long and about 8 ft high closet with mirror sliding doors facing out towards the room... im trying to figure out a way of turning the mirrors around. I dont know if this would be good for the plants but im going to experiment with the bagseed plants, dont care if anything happens to them.

Day 1
I took my half gallon containers and filled them up with the professional growers mix and just planted my orange bud seeds directly into the dirt I had them both in the room with the bagseed plants on a 18-6 lighting schedual then I watered the seeds with a weak nutrient solution used 1/3 of what it says to on the box of the liquid plant food .

1 week later

Day 8
Both seeds sprouted... it took awhile but they made it. Hopefully they're female and I also have 8 seeds left that im saving for when I get my whole setup and closet upgraded to a two chamber grow room and have a lil more experience. i plan on starting to clone that way i get the most out of my money. 10 seeds for 40 bucks which is a good deal if they are as good as what nirvana-shop says.

Day 9
my sproutlings are stretching there little cotyledons out. looks like they are really healthy so far.

Day 11
Well they just sprouted there first set of true leaves. They look like they are gonna be so strong and delicious. The plants are about 2 inches tall.. I should've germinated them first but o well they still made it.

Orange bud plant A has already sprouted the second set of leaves and starting on the third. while plant B suffered some shock cause I forgot to mention she was knocked on the floor by the cat...bastard and she also sprouted a day later. I dont know what the hell his[cat] problem was cause he never messes with them. i beat his ass tho. But anyhow Plant B is only on the first set of leaves but the third is startin to show.
I have already noticed a difference between the bagseed, which the bud was a decent commercial but none the less it sucked anyway, and the oranged bud with the second set of leaves the bagseed was mutated and only grew a two bladed and one bladed fan leaf which both should always be three or so but these orange bud are perfectly shaped so far.. which, i dont know could it probably be good sign.
I also forgot to mention that when im mixing my water and nutrients I put 3 drops of the 10-15-10 liquid plant food to a half quart of water and this mixture goes to the orange bud for the bagseed I would use a quart of water but put 7 drops of the same plant food in. but now the mixuter is a 3/4 teaspoon of bloom plus 10-54-15 to a quart of water and split it between the two. This is every two or three days. It doesnt get that hot because im flowering with cfl's untill the lamps come. the bagseed plants have been flowering for 5 days now cant tell the sex yet because its gonna take longer with the cfls.

Day 15
The bigger plant of the bagseed seed turned out to be a male so I chopped his ass down. that means I have one bagseed plant left and its startin to look like a female which was the smaller one,i have heard somewhere that female are less as aggresive as males meaning that males grow alot faster than the females so mabye going thru all that trouble was worth it.
Orange Bud is doing the same as yesterday but a lil better lookin these r gonna be some beautiful plants. I kinda regret not spending more money for better quality of seeds next time It will be feminized seeds.
I wanted to explain how I started my bagseed plants, which is an unknown strain but I can tell there mostly indica. I just got this aerogarden adout 2 months ago and got this idea to experiment with it and see what i could turn out of it. so I took two seeds from some decent commercial shit and put them in two of the pods. It has an 18-6 lighting schedual which was perfect for the seedlings cause they sprouted in only 2 days which was fast. The herbel starter nutrients (two tablets) for the first two weeks was alright for the seedlings but left go for too long they start to burn your plants or they dont have enough micronutrients beacause after 16 days my plants were at an amazing 10 inches but alot of the leaves edges were brown and dryin up with lots of yellow. but im still surprised how fast the aerogarden alone grew some shit. I bought some cheap ferts from wal mart to try and make them only made it worse tho. So by the third week they were lookin horrible I then decided I was going to transplant them from the aerogarden into dirt...yea I wasn't to sure about it but I did a lil research finding out that it was possible and all you had to do was rinse of the root mass with lots of purified or distilled water divide the root mass in two sections and bury it in the pot with the roots strecthing down to the bottom so that from top to bottom the roots are not curled up or touching other root... this way they would have more time in healing than trying to grow a whole new set of roots that arent tangeled up like crazy.. so I transplanted the bigger of the two bagseed in a 2.5 gallon clay pot, which in my opinion are the best to use, and left the smaller one in the aerogarden for few more weeks to see what would happen. After another week and 2 or 3 days the plant was starting to slouch over, the fan leaves were touching the main stem, and it was startin to wilt. so i think i finally decided what was wrong here is my opinion...the aerogarden ,,,it has a resivour about a gallon or gallon and a 1/2 theres probably 3 inches between the top with holes for the seed pods between that and the water which gets air to the roots. When the roots grow down into the water it starts gettin over watered because the water doesnt drainout so the root just sit in the water 24/7. i think that if you let it go when the timer says add water after two weeks it will evaporate enough that the roots have more air and the god thing iss that there was absolutely no root rot but i have yet to experiment. Well after deciding all this I went to walmart and got a 3 gallon pot with a built on drainage catcher. I transplanted it about 3 times from the aerogarden to a temporary milk jug, to a bigger milk jug, then to the beautiful 3 gallon pot... it went thru a few shocks so i'm hopeing that I didnt hermitize it. so almost two weeks later to present day it started taken off like crazy cause its got bright green new leaves and it keeps pumping them out. Its so lush and green you can tell she loves her last home(pot). im pretty sure this is a female cause she has longer green things than what the male had no hairs are coming out yet and thats only because its on the 6th day of flowering shes was about 19 inches tall so I decided to switch her and the male (
which at that time i didnt know) into flowering since she was a healed up and he was starting to reach 2 feet. On day six of flowering the bigger bagseed turn out to be a male so i chop him down and hung him upside down to dry for hash making. on the ten day of flowering which is in 3 or four days from now (4-4-08) im going to top the female plant for size purposes. plus it will help bush out and cocentrate all the energy that was going into the top on the other branches and I have done this with the male and the results were awesome. my little girl is already bushy... but because of the aerogarden burns the lower fan leaves were wilting so I had to trim all the fan leaves from the 4th node down which also helped light get to other parts of the plant and Its so bushy now plus with the upgraded nutrients this plant is lookin sooo good.

Well just after I got home from work last night the bagseed started to show little tiny white hairs... I HAVE A FEMALE!! this plant is on day 46. I started it in februaury 19th in the aerogarden took it out and transplanted in soil after 26 days. I vegged for 14 more days and thus far flowered for 6 days with might I add cfls.....yeah I kno.... I didnt get the hps lamp yet so these are gonna have to do for now I have eight 6500k cfl bulbs and 2 42 watt 2700k cfl bulbs,... to give it some red spectrum I kno I should take out the 6500k and go all 2700k if im doing cfl....well I dont feel like wastin anymore money on cfl's and I hope to be gettin my hps soon. but anyhow back to the topic well after last night I was so happy to kno that I finally have succesfully grown a female marijauna plant. after all that plant has been thru it still wants to give me some sweet delicious buds. the buds that the seed came from was some pretty good shit so this time it will be even better. Today the hairs on the plant are gettin bigger id say about half a centimeter bigger than last night she is so healthy compared to the time she was in the aerogarden.

well the hairs are exploading out of the bagseed plant. Its growing them pretty fast. I didnt expect it to show quite this soon with just cfl's...idk maybe its a really easy to grow srtain. but anyhow last night I cut the very bottom branch off cause it wasnt gettin any light and i didnt want the plant focusing all the energy to a branch thats not gonna get that big of buds... so I decided instead of throwing it away I should try cloning for the first time i mean its only on the 7th day of flowering and i heard it was possible to take clones and put them back into veggin but so far the clone has survived one day the very first time I did this it shriviled up in an thats gotta be a good sign. had a very bad day turn into a good day today, I was leavin work tonight just clocked out and was walkin out the door when my buddy walked in (I work at wally world) and i went up to him to see whats up and he just fuckin stunk like the diggity dankest shit i've ever smelt before. so i was like man u fuckin stink so good he was like yeah i kno i got some sour deisel and master kush so off on a burn crus we went. i was so ripped that i was drivin around with my lights off at night and passed a cop and might i add that i dont have my license(suspended for a DUI, hey we all make mistakes.
Now for the orange bud it finally sprouted the third set and is no starting to push out the fourth its gettin pretty big and as for the other one its gettin bigger too but its about an inch smaller than the bigger one and is still workin on the third set....can't wait!!

Well today I figured that I was startin to slack off for the herb plants and some what the other mary plants. So I cleaned shit up and I took all the dead remaining herbs out of the aerogarden and cleaned it out real good(so i dont pass patheogens) the only thing that grew good was the basil....the rest of the herbs were all fucked up because the bagseed plants started out in the aerogarden with them and the lights had to be raised almost every other day so the herbs didnt get much light. I took all the dead herbs and put them in my compost bucket along with the male plant which was getting over two foot that i cut a couple days ago. I find that alot of people make a mulch or compost out of non usable marijauna plants so I decided to do this aswell. Back to the point anyhow, I found out that when I was cleaning the pump to the aerogarden that the so called water soluble plant food that expert gardaner makes (I used prior to finding liquid plant nutes) is not actually completely water soluble and my pump fliter was so clogged up with that clumpy shit. so after i cleaned the resivoir i took some facuat water, got a new filter and check the ph it was pretty high so I used a ph balancer and its right on 6.8 which I have read or seen that alot of people like it slightly higher in these types of systems(Mr. green on youtube). so I let the water run in the aerogaden for a couple hours so it would get oxygenated and hope that most of the chlorine evaporated. besides that im guessing that the amounts of calcium in the water is a good contributer to the plants themselves. after the couple of hours I took one of my california orange seeds and stuck it in one of the extra foam pod holsters that I had. I had deciced I would experimant yet another time with the aerogarden this time with my own nutes. when I was taking the aerogarden apart I found that there was a setting for something on the was a little dial from 1 to 5 im guessing its the amout of water it pumps or how long it runs im not sure yet I have also found that these aerogarden are petty strong for being made completely of plastic.

As for the bagseed plant, the only one that is left, its doing reallly good the hairs are exploading out of it like always. its gotten so much taller than what it was when i started flowering, i have noticed that is for the reason of flowering cause it started to slow down and now its picked back up. the clone i had taken of the bottom to just seen if I could clone was still alive but it was starting to wilt so i just threw it in the compost bucket.
The california orange is also doing really good besides to the fact that I fuckin slept my whole day off all away and it grew up into the light and burnt
the new leaf growth (so fuckin pissed at myself).

I was tryin to grow the perfect plant without nute burn or light burns but it looks like that all went to fuckin hell. all i did was trim the burnt stuff off. the other cali orange is doing so good its getting alot bigger. both of the cali orange went some kinda spurt because they just look like they got bakc from the gym....the stems are all beefed up and its already starting to push out the secondary nodes.

The next paycheck I get im going up to HTGsupply(only n hour away but its the only closest hydroshop) and im gettin shitloads of supplies and nutes and a mh conversion bulb for the hps light that should be comin, ohh man its gonna be like a little kid in a candyshop for me, def. can't wait.


Well-Known Member
My soil from the local nursery/greenhouse

I know its out of the subject but this was my trip to fuckin beautiful North carolina last year I live inland so its fuckin awesome to go to the beach every year. But anyhow the story is while I was down there me n the old lady was crusing down the strip and this kid in a car drove up beside us n had the common curtisey to ask If i needed any those outer banx nice!


Well-Known Member
Well so far the Orange bud plants are doing pretty good besides the toasted leaves on the one. The plant on the left (above) Orange bud A is at 7 inches and has no burns what so ever. The plant on the right (beside plant A) Orange Bud B is at a total of 7 3/4 inches with some of the leaves burnt. plus the plants are also growing their secondary branches already the reason that they are so small for being 20 days old is because I am counting from the time I stuck them in the dirt, but in all it took about a week for them to sprout. Cant wait for those orange and pink haired buds mmm mmm mmmmmmm.

As for the bagseed plant she is getting so big and beautiful. No buds yet but lots of hairs are starting to show them selves. this plant is exactly 2 foot and only 50 days old. so far I have been flowering for 10 days with CFL's. I fuckin hate CFL's all my plants are stretched to shit n back. I PERSONALLY DONT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT CFL'S for one they stretch your plants like crazy, and 2 you need a million surrounding the plant, and three for as many as I bought when I first started I could have gotten a 400 watt hps system that cost 90 dollars (with a metal halide conversion bulb for a few more dollars) which 10 CFL's at 8 bucks a piece is 80 dollars Yeah I know, I’m slapping myself for it right now. IF ANY NEW GROWERS ARE READING THIS I RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON CFL'S JUST ORDER THREW HTGSUPPLY.COM as I have heard so many good things about this supplier and I have ordered thru them myself. they also have pretty damn good prices for the quality of there stuff and ship it in a discrete package. I forgot to mention that I had canceled my order from them because I’m going to visit them in person next week with cash, because I don’t like having to use my debit card online. Oh and one other thing, unfortunately HTGSupply does not ship to Canada but I have seen good sites that do.



Well-Known Member
Day 23
Well its been a few days now since my last log and things are going pretty good. The orange bud plant A (little one) is at a total of 10 inches high and working on the 5th node. Orange bud B (bigger one) is at a total of 11 inches high and is working on the sixth node. I have been using shultz 10-15-10 at half strength and im going to start with full strenght tomorrow(next watering). As for right now there are no more additional burns on the bigger of the orange bud and the smaller one is still perfect (knock on wood) although it is startin to sloutch just a little bit but that is because it so fuckkin stretched between the 2nd and 3rd node(about 31/2 inch streatch) do to the explosive growth of the bigger one and having to raise the light. but i fixed the problem by givin the littl girl a booster chair lol.

As for the bagseed is doing soooo good its startin to form tiny little buds on the ends of all the branches. this plant is at a total of 2 ft and 3 inches. and this was growin with cfls only(im surprised) the only reason this plant isnt streatched to hell n back is because i had all 8 cfl's on it since it came out of the aerogarden. I regret not flowering earlier because its growin like a bat out of hell now. just 13 days ago it was 1 foot shorter and now its a god damn bush. As soon as my camera gets charged im gonna post some updated pics.

I got 3 gallons of distilled water (70 cents a gallon) cause the water i've been using had a ph of 7.8 but this didnt seem to affect my plant one confused cause after a while i ran out of the aquafina and started to use tap water that was filtered which has the high ph and i water'd with this for 3 weeks and it didnt do a damn thing to my plant its as healthy as an ox....


Well-Known Member
Day 25
oh today was the shittest of shitty days. My car was broken down at this pizza shop and i had no money till this coming thursday so i couldnt get it towed to my house. well i went by the pizza place going to work and it was fucking gone....... just my fuckin luck. the god damn car was towed by someone else instead. now on top of a tow bill im gonna have to pay storage fee's....god damn pricks if you ask now im not gonna be able to get my light this time and will now have to wait another 2 weeks for a paycheck to buy a light because the money i had put back for the light is gonna go towards the car with some of my check too. they have no right to just up n take my car like that... i even called the pizza shop to let them know whats up, and they were cool about it, but cops like to put their god damn pig nose into everything just for that extra dollar in their pockets. Well anyhow i forgot to mention two good things that happend to me this week one is i just got a 40 cent raise today at work and i just got off of probation (DUI related) 3 days ago,.. woooo hoo im a free man... i was in the system for 2 years all together and now its all over. :)

So on with the show
This would be about day 25, so far its going pretty descent. The orange bud is doing quite well. OB B is at 15" tall, and just yesterday I topped OB B cause I wanted to do an experiment to see which one does better in the end.
OB A is at a total of 14" tall and the same age as her sister. This plant i did not top because i want to see all the differences that topping and not topping makes with two of the same plants .....well the same kind of seed. i mostly just wanna see what is best route for me and my situation.
OB B has a total of being 5 nodes high and OB A is also a total of 5 nodes while also working on the 6th and 7th node. these leaves are much more slimer than the bagseed which is because OB is supposed to be equal parts sativa and indica which all weed bought from where i live is mostly indica all the time so it will be nice to have something different for a change.

Now the bagseed.....
This plant is a total of 55 days old, which 15 of those days are of flowering and it all was completely grown with CFL's, gotta admit that was pretty quick for CFL's. I can already see all the bud sites(branches that will produce buds on the tips) with little buds at the end of each branch. so far there are a total of 22 good little buds growin not counting the smaller buds beneath the main buds. The bagseed plant is at a total of 2ft 5 1/2 inchs and about 16 or 17 nodes high. there are alot more branches but i dont have enough light to focous on them to start producing. those lil buds are so cute lol i hope this seed was from one of the good bags of weed that I had like two years ago.

OB A on the left and OB B is on the right on both pics... kinda hard to see tho... just click on it to make it bigger

and this would be the bagseed plant in both pics... 55 days old, 15 of these days has been flowering.. lookin alright for CFL's

Day 26: and here is a lil bud on my bagseed plant. there are about 22 of these little bud sites. this is at 16 days of flowering with CFL' image to make it larger


Well-Known Member
Day 27
The orange bud is gettin really tall. OB A is at 1ft 6 inches and OB B is at 1ft 71/2 inches and its only because they are stretched like a mother fucker. so far i have noticed after several days OB B the one that i topped has not slowed down vertical growth yet. and OB A still remains one inch shorter than B if it would grow at or above the level of B than that would kinda prove it has stopped vertical growth. im pretty sure its only because its growing shit loads of stem.... stretch stretchly is what i call her. they are so stretched that there is a 5 inch spacing between nodes or branches..its a good thing i didnt try and grow all ten with just the lights i have... lol that would be a funny sight to see......a big closet crop of marijuana standing at 1ft 7inches and only 4 branches high....i hope that it gets a lil bushed out so i can save her with the hps i get this week or next, it will probably be about 2 1/2 feet with one extra

but any how OB A is still in really good condition and OB B suffered a couple extra crispy leaves.....i feel bad for her lol.

Now as for the bag seed i had posted a pic yesterday of the new lil buds on her and that was very early in the morning (i stayed up the night before) and found a magnifying glass so i could take pictures with this shity camera i have. but it is now at a total of 2ft 10 inches.... damn this thing is getting huge im gonna have to post a new pic tonight when the lights are on. my lighting schedual is 4:30 pm to 4:30 am (it fits the best times that im home). I usualy water her about every 3 or 4 days cause it takes awhile for my soil to dry out. and i feed it 2 times the recomended amount because the bottle for the bloom nutrients says for house potted plants to give a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. but im pretty sure marijuana needs a bit more than regular plants and it is only a 10-54-10 ratio. so in a 3 gallon pot i dont think its gonna hurt any. man when i get that hps on this thing its just gonna explode up to 4 foot...caint wait.. i was thinking about just waitin another week so i have enough for the 600 watt system so i can grow monsters...i was thinking about two 5 or 6 footers. more bud from less plants so it would deff. be less of a hassle without tryin to start a bunch of seeds waitin to flower to see if you got all males and then in the end gettin small buds... i like the big juicy buds myslef and u get them from big juicy plants.

grow it to like 2 foot then flower because plants usually double or even triple in size depending on the size of the pot.

I like to write my journel out in so much detail so if i like the way something turned out in the end i could replicate the same exact grow if i wanted. or find out what mistakes i have made....but as for me i wouldnt read it unless i had to.

i hope im helping any really new growers and putting it into simple terms and letting them kno a budget way to get some descent herb, cause i support the legalization of marijuana. every one is making money and ur not or gettin killed over this or going to jail over a wonderful, peaceful little green plant.

I wish i could flower my orange bud plants right now cause i want them to stay short but sadly enough i do not have the right amount of lights the bagseed is hogging all the light up.

i have also seen so many debates that people get so pissed over if u can flower or not starting out as seedlings... and its stupid to see people slamin others for it....hmm i thought this was an adult site...which means you people should start actin like adults(not the case with some of you) and yes you can flower from seedling all seeds that are planted (not cuttings) have a veg stage wheather in 12/12 or not some veg stages are longer some are shorter any plant is going to veg before it blooms altough it is smaller and particully for the SOG growing make sure you get ur info down before you start slaming others for tryin to tell you that you can..


Well-Known Member
Day 29
well today is a very sad day for me as i have to announce that OB B and A has passed away last night :(
~~~RIP~~~ OB A AND OB B ~~~~3-20-08 to 4-18-08~~~~

at only 29 days old they had a whole other half of their life to live, produce buds, and make a wonderful name for themselves. they seemed to have suffered from a disorder called anastretchia, do to insufficient lighting. Quote the owner "I feel like i neglected those lil girls but in reality i tried to give them all the light they needed."

Luckily when the beatiful orange bud passed away she left little growth on the bottom and im gonna try n save her decendents.

So far they are a day old and seem to look like they love the extra light that they did not receive when the bigger leaves and branches were above them.

But anyhow you people do not have to fear... mr journel writer is here. i am going to still continue to write the journel on the bagseed and the progress of the little growth on the stems of the orange bud if it survives.

well this would be day 59 for the bagseed 19 of which have been in flowering. the progress made with the cfl's are not as good as they should be with the real growing lights but it will have to do for now. she is at a total of 2ft 11inches...almost 3ft. The bud sites are actually startin to look like bud sites instead of little bud specks lol. so many white hairs just exploading out of this plant its crazy. i went out and bought a 4ft t12 flouro set just to hold her over till i get the hps. it only cost 15 for the reflector n ballast and 10 for the bulb.

should i have gotten the T8 that fit in this reflector or is the T12 better ? takes both sizes.


Well-Known Member
Day 32
orange bud
After I fucked my orange bud all up i had to cut it to hope that it survived i cut it right above the first node and it seems as tho its has survived there is new growth coming out and the lil tiny stems that are coming off the big stem are starting to fatten up.
the smaller one (A) is growing new leaves too but its not doing to good. i just hope that this will work and i can save the orange bud.

this plant is gettin so beautiful so far it is 3 ft tall exactly. i had topped this plant because it was gettin to tall for the area and the side buds was lookin alot better than the top bud. before i had topped it, it was 3ft 2 inches. i hope i didnt hurt anything by topping the plant. yeah i kno its going to yeild just a lil less but im using CFL's and its already gonna be a small yeilder. I'd say the buds on this plant are about the size of a quarter and it looks as tho its atartin to get tiny little trichomes on it.

I cant take pics right now cause the lights dont turn on till 4:30 so i will update pics around that time.


Well-Known Member
Day 34
Well every things still going smoothly. Orange bud B is doing alot better but A is lookin like its startin to die, probably from so much stress from being cut in half. the new lil growth is starting to die off :( .

The bagseed buds are gettin so smelly every morning i wake up i jones for buds so bad cause it stanks so much like skunky nugs mmmmm cant wait.. those buds are gonna blow up as soon as i get that hps light....fuckin bills....o well if i didnt pay bills i wouldnt have a place to live.

went for a nature walk today and i dont kno if i said anything about it but i planted some seeds about a mile away from my place about 2 weeks ago. i go for a walk just to check up on them. there is about 7 planted that had already sprouted. im doing this cause i've never grown outside and wanted to try it. they are about 3 inches and already have their first set of true leaves. im surprised they survived cause it was down to 36* F the one night like 5 days ago and they are still going strong. i probably take a walk down to see them every 5 to 7 days.its so much easier.
I forgot to mention that i picked up a half gallon of seltzer water (sodium free) to spray on the leaves for CO2 supplimentation only cost a dollar. this is a realy good way to add co2 without getting a tank and hose n all that stuff.

Orange Bud B: doing good ..........Orange bud A: not so good


Well-Known Member
I dont understand how one day the plant can be over a foot tall and then be reduced to less than halfthe size bcuz of lighting. thats news to me. but besides that ur doing a bang up job. it looks like u got the hang of it. just be sure to watch how much u feed them and water them and U should be alright.

oh and dont stress over the HPS, U can grow fine under CFL's but U need a lot of em if Ur trying to get HPS results.

I also had an accident early in my grow. a vent cover fell on top of my young seedling and snapped it in half. I was left with this

and ended up with this...

that plant alone weighed 2.5 oz's.

goodluck :peace:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply i never thought id get one

sorry about the confusion...i just ment that they got stretch to hell n back and the lights fell over on them so i had to cut off like a foot of the damaged part

im just stressin over the hps cause i dont wanna waste three months on these plants and get some stringy, airy, buds.

how did you get your plant to stay skinny like that? pruning?

also here is an updated pic of the bagseed plant little over 3 foot..... shes lovin the seltzer water too


Well-Known Member
Day 37
well its almost day 38 and i decided i would do an update

Orange Bud
The orange bud is now at 7 inches high and 37 days old if you count from the very begining but i had to trim off above the first node and regrow it so it has been 8 days since that happend im glad i did that cause it was stretched really bad and plus it now has two tops. and its not as stretched as it used to be.

the bagseed is 67 days old, 27 of which have been in the flowering stage. this plant is at 3ft and one inch it pretty much stopped growin up but thats because i topped it a few days ago which im really happy i did that cause now its concentrating on bud growth instead of stem or leaf, they have gotten noticeably fatter since then. i can confirm that the plant is also startin to produce trichomes i can see that little stick with a ball on it and some powdery lookin buds mmm stinks so good too.

orange bud B: the only one left ......lets all pray its a female

The bagseed: look at that fuckin christmas tree lol....... cant wait to smoke my own buds

thought i'd give you guys a bud shot .....enjoy


Well-Known Member
Day 41
nothing really new happend.....bagseed is 71 days old 31 of which are flowering. the height is still at 3ft 1 inch. and the buds are gettin sooooo juicy lookin with the lil trichomes.

orange bud is now 41 days from begining and 12 from D-day lol (damaged day). the height is about 11 inches for both tops....lookin good too

OOOHHHH yeah mother bitches Just got off the phone with HTGSUPPLY and got my 400 watt hps forasun system with the high n low hangers coming in the mail very very shortly!!!!!! Im good to go now ....its only a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
day 45

well shit i guess i better do an update

well today would be 75 days for this fat ass and im speculating that she is inlove with the new 400 watt hps floralux system.....HTGSUPPLY ROCKS i ordered the400 watt dinky little florasun system and instead they sent me the 400 watt floralux with the high output hps bulb with 30% more blue spectrum which cost 100 dollars more but i got it all for free cause they were out of the regular hps system that i had origionally ordered.

Orange bud
Since i got the new light i threw the orange bud into flower cause it now is well over 1 foot. 16 inches to be exact. i'll have to post new pics when i feel like it but im spent after settin that shit up i had to reinforce the ceiling cause the light weighed about 30 lbs.


Well-Known Member
Day 48
Now im not wasting anytime....since i have gotten the new light..... like 4 days ago?
the buds just beefed up like a few pics..mmmmm mmmm juicy

i feel like a pro now id say another month yet and they might be nearly done.....they're gonna MONSTERS.

orange bud is doing pretty good but its gettin to big for the half gallon container i have it in cant transplant till the bagseed is done....hopefully it will be alright for now ...i put some dirt in the bottom of the container for a lil more room to grow

so far the bagseed had been flowering for 38 days which altogether it is 78 days old

and here is the center cola from the bagseed its growing two tips into one big ass bud....this plant really took well to the technique known as toppingi topped it 14 days into flowering, a few days after it showed sex

the orange bud has been in flower for 3 days so far and is about 48 days old and 19 days from being cut in half


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that i mist my plants with seltzer water before the lights turn on and after they shut off and right inbetween....i seen some douchebag saying that "seltzer is just an accessory and its a waste of time trying to get the plant to take in the Co2 unless you use a tank" well BULLSHIT your retarded. otherwise the plant would just sit there in that stale air with none of its type of gas to breath but plenty of oxygen....anytype of CO2 supplimentation to a plant is gonna help it wether it be seltzer water or a tank setup...... it all works the same... some more than others tho

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
My soil from the local nursery/greenhouse

I know its out of the subject but this was my trip to fuckin beautiful North carolina last year I live inland so its fuckin awesome to go to the beach every year. But anyhow the story is while I was down there me n the old lady was crusing down the strip and this kid in a car drove up beside us n had the common curtisey to ask If i needed any those outer banx nice!

That beach photo reminds me over marthas vineyard.

On a side note, your grow looks good, ill be staying tuned. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Ok so its been a few days now and im pretty sure i need to do an update.....thanks for taking an interest to my journel humbo jumbo. i think we may have ran into each other a few times in the cafe'....i liked your other avatar.

This would be DAY 54 ..dont you like how my journel isnt even numbered right with any of the plants? i dont even kno how that happened. EDIT: wait yeah its numbered right.

Well this would be day 84 for the whole plants life. still remains at 3' 1 or 2 inches cant exactly remember and too lazy to find the tape measure. 44 of those 84 days have been in the flowering mode. i added some side lighting cause i had to squeeze the orange bud in under this lighting also that i think about it i should have gotten a 600 watter.

the bud is getting soooo dense...... i cut a lower bud off yesterday to see how it was coming along......smoked it today and holy shit i was ripped of a lil peice. its just covered in crystals and it smells like the weed i pay 60 bucks an eight for around here except more potent. I'LL BE POSTING PICS TOMORROW. camera is dead as of right now..

Orange Bud
Well the orange bud is well over 2 foot high in just a matter of a week which lead me to suspect it was a male, i went to check on it today and its fuckin balls dropped....SON OF A BITCH!!?!?!......i have decided to keep him as a stud for now to breed with the younger buds that dont fully mature on the bagseed plant...........hopefully all goes as planned and i'll have my own cross,,,, back cross a few times and then i'll have my own stablized strain ....unfortunatly i have loads and loads to learn before i start making srains and what not. i dont even kno if i said that in the correct order.

day 54, 25 from being damged and 9 of which are in flowering.......fucking males ......didnt want to pay for a male seed!!!

the reason i want to keep the orange bud for breeding is cause of its perfect genetics...the leaves are so perfectly shapen..besides the ones i crisped the shit out of, smells soooo good even for just being an imature plant, it has that dank tangy smell to it. and its just the perfect color of green, and also had the thickest fucking stem on a plant i have ever seen for being a few weeks old.

Im sorry to all my cannabis grower fans....i may have just turned it into marijuana porn....

It has come to my attention that restricting the plant from all UV light is the wrong thing to do......
some of you may have already knew this....BUT....there are still people out there that dont. so i want to spread the word!! feel free to comment on it if you think i am wrong..well here it goes anyway.

have you ever noticed something different kno between indoor and outdoor? well i have and i want to tell you my story.......well everything that is sold around here is commercial. if we get it here then you can probably get the same shit in NC or WV or V. and you can just tell its outdoor by its earthy, hashy tasting, just musky smoke.... i dont kno about you but i can just always seem to tell...then i get this stuff that i pay 60 dollars an eighth for its so delicate lookin, shiny lil trichomes from being harvested too early, and a nice lil kick to the smoke not so musky but still a good smoke....the point of the story is i get nice and high from the indoor but when i smoke the outdoor i just get hammered i dont wanna walk across the living room let alone getting off my ass, and i have discovered why exactly this is................... let me explain..........when you understand the production of THC and resin glands you will understand how to improve potentcy in your buds. Marijuana produces trichomes for a reason. every part of a plant has a purpose otherwise it would not waste the energy in making somthing that it dont need....when the resin heads are produced they have several jobs to do. 1 they have to protect the seed pod and keep it warm and humid for the right conditions to produce a seed. 2 they protect the surface of the bud leaves and calyxes from UV light. 3 when they are finally mature enough to fall off one by one they are there to stick to something that moves then they fall out of the pod....well back to the UV thing......trichomes on a plant mix different compounds on the heads of the gland for terpinoids and and other things for taste and smell but they also take the UV light and direct it into the center of the resin head to have it chemicaly react with the CBD's, CBC's and CBG"s and in turn this produces THC ....the THC then oozes out threw the resin head surface and collects on top of the resin head therefore making it bigger and bigger.......this is only a form of survival that this process produces THC the thing is by us growing indoors we are taking the UV away and producing less potent buds each time we grow.

but i and many others have come up with a solution. if you want your buds to be more potent on an indoor grow then introduce a reptile UV light or a little tanning lamp gradually each day during the flowering phase... i myself would want to replicate when there is the most UV light in nature which is in the middle of the day. i would first start out with one hour after you start to see trichome production take place, then the next week make it two hours in the middle of 12on then next week go to 3 and so on and so forth untill youre up to atleast 6 hours a day. i would only use a small lamp to just start out because i am not familure with this technique yet. sorry for the spelling errors.

so that is my conclusion....i am pretty ripped right now and this paragraph will probably not make any sense to me tomorrow but i hope this little lecture has helped any new fellow growers out there in the end.
