My first bagseed attempt lol


So, here are two pictures of whats looking like the final result of a very resilient plant...

I had 4 bag-seed that I had found about 4-5 months ago...

I put those 4 bag-seed into a wet paper towel, and forgot about them for a few days...
well, when I found it again, it was dry, and the seeds had full roots in the paper towel, but were completely dried out...

I planted all 4 seeds, and over the course of the past few months all but one has died...

that one, has fallen out of its pot twice, (dropped during moving) been given crappy light, was not taken care of properly at all, but still somehow, turned out to not only be female, but it did bud! lol... even if its the most pathetic amount of bud,... quater for size... oh and yeah, someone trimmed my plant for me while I was away in Maui for a bit... (-.-) 020.jpg018.jpg


Well-Known Member
did they trim it as a prank? do they not like you or somthing. i feel like crying looking at your plant bro why would you treat it like that.........


it wasn't really on purpose....

it started with me knowing absolutely nothing about growing, and throwing 4 bag seed in some pots and setting them out in the sun... with some crap CFL as a.... suppliment? I guess for when it was too cold or raining or w/e for it to be outside, it got dropped in transit...

and the trimming, I'm not sure, it was one of two people, but neither will admit to it, and it wasn't a big deal to me, as I really expected to come home to all 4 being dead, 1 being alive, I was stoked....

I've read and learned a lot more since I threw those bag-seed in... and no worries, God willing, I'll never have a plant so badly abused under my care again...


Well-Known Member
as long as you learned from it its just brought a tear to my eye lol it can still prolly pack one bowl after you dry it......... have a bagseed grow now dont underestimate them somtimes you get some fire


yeah, I have everything I need to grow on its way in the mail...

as well as 1 bag seed left, which will be my first, REAL grow the seed actually came from a clone that my mother had...

I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of that bowl too =P