My first CFL grow All Autos

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
LST is low stress training. You basically bend the plant over and tie it down so that more light can get to the undergrowth. Gives you an even canopy and A LOT more yield. Just do a search on here and you'll find plenty of info.

For your water, letting it sit out is okay if your town/city uses chlorine, but if they use chloramines, then you want to get some chlorine/chloramine remover from the pet store. I use Tap Water Conditioner from API and it works great. You also probably want to check the PH of your water and adjust it if necessary using PH up or PH down. Hydro stores carry PH up/down but you can also get it from the pet store. If you're feeding, then adjust the PH after you add the nutes to the water.


So I just first wanna say that thank you to Surfhead for all the advice. I have done some research I have decided that LST is a good idea but it is beyond my skill level at this time. Thank you though for the advice Sunshine.
Besides all of that the ladies are doing awesomeDSC04218.jpgDSC04216.jpgDSC04215.jpgDSC04217.jpgDSC04214.jpgDSC04219.jpg Ashley is doin Good I think. A little color in the top leaves but Im not concerned. Thanks to some recent help I think I have the Problem fixed.


Now I was in the understanding that if the fan leaves cover the light of the tops then you should trim them back. Does any one have any thoughts on this


So its been awhile since my last update, Sorry about that. But here are some new pics

These are of Burnedette DSC04288.jpgDSC04291.jpgDSC04267.jpg

Here is Ashley DSC04283.jpgDSC04300.jpgDSC04303.jpg

I needed to up the light to see if my yield gets any betterDSC04272.jpg

Here is the new lightsDSC04273.jpgDSC04274.jpg

So from here I have the new kids up and coming they wont be on this thread though. Please send me a message if you have a question or send me a friend request to check out all my other Posts. Thank you guys