My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone


Well-Known Member
Amen brother, I second that.
OK I've left the leaves for now.

Decided to keep veggin for a while.

I added two 20 watt CFL's to my main grow area. (no idea what spectrum they are nothing on the pack). Adapted the Envirolite reflector to hold them. So I can get a more even spread of light.

Also I redesigned my grow room. Put a shelf in for my fan and nutrients. Got a humidity gauge. It up around 75%. Which I think is too high. So I got this dehumidifier thing. Don't know if it will work was only 1.50 euro.

Found an old freezer basket that fits perfectly over my flood try. I'll use for scrog or sog (can't remember which is which lol.).

I went away to my local hardware shops today got a few bits and pieces. A 2foot 18 watt T8. (couldn't get a T5).
I built a clone/seedling/vegging box.

I also picked up some carbon while I was out. For my next part of my project a carbon filter or scrubber.
Must have a look about the forum and see how to go about doing that next.

I put my 3rd struggling plant in there for now. As soon as my plants are big enough to clone, I'll take a few cuttings and put them in there.

Oh yeah added some epsom salts to my Res. EC in the water without anything added is 0.5 so I thought the salts might help.

Added a small amount of Ionic grow Nutrients. EC now at 0.8. I think that isn't over doing it????

Have a look at my latest pics...

The small container with the green lid is the dehumidifier thing by the way.



Well-Known Member
I got a couple of Philips 42 watt Tornado's a while ago.

Anyone know if they are any good for Veggin? What color spec/temp they are. Nothing on the box.


Well-Known Member
I got a couple of Philips 42 watt Tornado's a while ago.

Anyone know if they are any good for Veggin? What color spec/temp they are. Nothing on the box.
Are the Tornados something special?? I use the regular 42 watt cfl from The HD for clone/veg and they work great, though a bit slower than my MH on the veg....I dont think they are any special spectrum either...$10 ea. ouch:sad:

They're sure looking better there ROC! Is that dehumidifier thing working?? Another thing for your humidity: how's your ventilation?<---dont remember if you said what your doing for it:wall: ..... I 'll go back and read.....

great progress!!


Well-Known Member
Na the dehumidifier isn't doing a thing Didn't expect it to be much good. At 80% at the moment. I need to get an extraction fan in there soon. At the moment all I'm doing is letting fresh air in every so often.


Well-Known Member
Na the dehumidifier isn't doing a thing Didn't expect it to be much good. At 80% at the moment. I need to get an extraction fan in there soon. At the moment all I'm doing is letting fresh air in every so often.
Yeah. I went through and read this thread last night and only saw where you hope to build an extractor with a scrubber a couple of post ago. There are some great diy's on them here too, as you know. I just say that if it were me, next on the list would be ventilation----you'd see a difference immediately I think. Your humidity is so high that the leafs may be having a hard time transpiring moisture causing them to curve/curl down or appear droopy.....this is just an idea. I 've never grown much with cfl's, other than for cloning; so maybe the leafs just dont reach for the light all perky like the do with HID??
Your plants look really healthy, especially the new growth.:hump:

Have a great week!!:-P

Ak bong rippa

Well-Known Member
i Assure that watching this video will answer All your questions. its called i grow chronic It is a Excellent Growing video. I Just started growing but im doing Very good and i learned from this video. HAPPY GROWING!


Well-Known Member
i Assure that watching this video will answer All your questions. its called i grow chronic It is a Excellent Growing video. I Just started growing but im doing Very good and i learned from this video. HAPPY GROWING!
......with the greenman?? haha---somebody teach that fool how to use rockwool....he soaks it


Well-Known Member
......with the greenman?? haha---somebody teach that fool how to use rockwool....he soaks it
Ya I watched his vids already. I found he didn't get much of a harvest considering how big his set up was.

Just had to change my res water again. EC went up to 1.6 today. A small amount of Nute burn appearing. Not as bad as last week though.

This week I'm going to get a bathroom extractor and sort out my ventilation.
I don't think the humidity gauge is working correctly. Still at 80% lights on or off. Even took it out of the grow room, and no change.

I 'll post picks in a while, more new growth.


Well-Known Member
Roots are starting to show at the bottom of the pots. Is it time for bigger pots? I think they are 3lt about 10inch wide.
I think the pots are big enough. Just worried about light damaging the roots. I'll have to black out the tray and maybe put a lid on it.


Well-Known Member
I think the pots are big enough. Just worried about light damaging the roots. I'll have to black out the tray and maybe put a lid on it.
Humidity down to 60% now. Looks like my gauge was playing up. I moved it from where I had it. Now nearer my plants on the shelf.


Well-Known Member
First two pics are where I decided to fim both my plants yesterday. I plan a scrog grow so I thought I'd fim and supercrop.
Probably not the best idea for a first time grower. But still all about learning.

The next 3 pics show some leaf burn. Not like the problem I had last week. Well doesn't look the same damage anyway.
Ph is a stable 5.5 for the past few days along with 0.8 EC.

I flushed out my plants today with plain water. And diluted my RES so the EC is now at 0.65 might add some more water to get it down below 6.

The next few pics are my attempt of supercropping. The only problem is on one plant I have split the stem slightly. Hopefully it will recover. (please!)

The last pics show the growth by my fim points.

I plan on flowering Friday or Saturday.

How am I getting on. Have I wrecked things? probably.:wall:



Well-Known Member
Friend of mine just called over with a present for me. A bag of seed he had from a bit of weed. He also wanted to cut a couple of bars, got an oz for me time!!!! lol

First pic 27oz of Soap bar, Pic 2 my present!:-P



Well-Known Member

Today I will change the lights to 12/12.
Seemed my problem all along was the PH level was a little to low, blocking out a lot of nutrients from the plants. Everything seems ok now.
I've been training my plant for 3 or 4 days now, I@ve fimmed both, and attempted to supercrop.

Next I have to flush out the grow nutrients, and prepare my res for my bloom nutrients. Which I have to get out and buy.

Both plants look quite small. Biggest about 10-11inches wide, but bushy.

How do you think they are coming on.

Oh yeah also took a tiny clone (really tiny) from the bigger plant, have it in rock wool under Flo and propagator. Also germinating a few bag seeds.

Camera needs charging. So only took picks of my two main plants.



Active Member
Read from the beg., keep up the work man. I am not experienced enough to offer up any kind of advice other than keep working at it. Looking good.


Well-Known Member
Read from the beg., keep up the work man. I am not experienced enough to offer up any kind of advice other than keep working at it. Looking good.
Thanks mate.

Just had another breakage!!:wall: I was taking my res out to change the water and i knocked the lights. Crash bang broke the 150watt envirolite.
Thats both the red and bed envirolites smashed.

Looks like I have to go shopping again.


Well-Known Member
DUDE!!! lol you need to be more careful!!! Oh well there must be a HPS on the cards now eh??? Looks good otherwise man.


Well-Known Member
it all depends really. Be losing my job soon so I might have to stick with CFL's for this grow. Might upgrade after this one. I keep re arranging my grow room. Which lead to the breakages. Once I get the place how I want it, I'll stop breaking things.

A learning experience for a first grow.