My first Glycerin Tincture


Active Member
making THC tincture using a heated vegetable glycerin method for my first time, im not using a double boil, just a rice cooker on the "warm setting". I have a thermometer in the mixture right now its staying steady at 162*F

1)Blended all weed, stems, hash into fine powder. (Used 17.5g of The dried nug, 3.5g of outdoor nug, 1g of iso hash.)
2)Spread weed out on pyrex dish and put in oven for 15 min. at 170*F
3)Pour 14 Fl.Oz of Glycerin into rice cooker
4) Add Decarb'd weed, cinnamon stick, pure ground cinnamon, pure maple syrup, sugar, caramel, vanilla extract, and a few drops of green food dye just for color.
5)Stir ingredients and turn rice cooker on to warm setting
6)Stick in thermometer to check temp, right about 160*F which i think is where i want it.


Well-Known Member
man you should do a side by side on one hand use this method above another do a 2month soak in a mason jar, heating it up around day 50 (like sub tools method) 2 months is a long time to wait I know but the end result it divine, have not found tincture that tastes better than mine with no flavoring added.


Well-Known Member
I know people that do 6oz of bud to a qt mason jar, you get about 24oz out of it. I make just for me and do 16oz jar and I get about 12oz out of it. I make mine 1oz bud and add trim to fill the jar it's not 1 dropper and your done, but 3 droppers in your morning coffee makes for a nice relaxing morning. Adding a few grams of kief to my next batch and running 2z of bud.