My first grow, 9 days into flower+ Pics

Here it is, finally put it up let me know what you guys think. This is my first grow be gentle. The one on the right is pineapple express clone i got and the left is some bag seed from some decent stuff. I'm using 9 55watt cfls and miracle grow soil, pretty much following Seemorebuds Buds For Less book word for word.DCAM0017.JPGDCAM0018.JPGDCAM0020.JPGDCAM0019.JPGDCAM0021.JPGDCAM0016.JPGDCAM0015.JPG They both showed they are little girls a few days ago, pretty lucky since i only tried to germinate one seed, and the other being a clone of course. Sorry pics kinda sux only camera i got.
I just went by what the book said, miracle grow potting soil with 3 month time released fertilizer. Mixed with perlite 80% soil 20% perlite. It looks like the simplest and easiest route for a beginner and i didnt want to fuck up the nutes. The plants look plenty healthy to me, besides the tips of the leaves being burnt from resting on the lights. The author of the book recommended this site, that's how I came to awesome site. His name is SeeMoreBuds, the book is More buds for less, one the cfl sticky threads recommend it.
Looking good, just take care of them and you will have some awesome smoke! And as far as the haters go, not all of us can get the best stuff all the time, and you are proving that it's the grower that counts most
Thanks guys really appreciate the support I'll keep new pics coming every couple weeks. who makes bio bizz? does it already have fertilizers in it?