My First Grow fast replies appreciated

I have 12 plants right now, all of them a day shy of a week old.

Is there a method to induce quicker growth?
I started my plants a month late into the season, I'm not too worried because where I live temperatures don't drop below 75 degrees until November, and it is only occasional that it starts getting cooler any sooner, but in case that occasion occurs, I would like to be on the safe side.

I have Fox Farm Grow Big, and Fox Farm Big Bloom. They are planted in Happy Frog soil conditioner, and for flowering I plan on using Beastie Blooms and Cha Ching.
My babies are not ever going to be planted in the ground, they are in pots right now and for their final transplant, the largest size bucket they are going into is going to be a 4 gallon bucket.

I'm putting in a lot of time with these plants, and they have my attention all day so I really don't want to mess any of this process up.

If you need any more info to better help me, let me know.
oxygen plus in your water and ph balance your water before you water to 5.9-6.2 and try adding yeast to suger water for increased co2 in the room

take a gallon contantainer or jug something you can see through and fill it 7/8 of the way full then add 3lbs of sugar and one pack of yeast from the grocery store then cap it and take a hot pin or knife and cut a small hole in the cap and you have a c02 generator
o cool cool, there is no light like the sun i love watching out door grows then tend to get monsterous in sunny spots good luck
Oh and yes I always maintain my waters PH level at about 6.2
I was going to get a EC meter but I was told I wouldn't need one if I was following the proper measurements
for my nutrients and kept the Ph balanced in the water
i actually use the fofarm three part system with grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom and i love them

if you want an easy way to measure ph and control it go to an aquatic store for fish and get a ph testing kit they're like 10 bucks and then some lemon or lime juice.

first fill up your watering container withtap water because it is usually quite alkaline and add lemon or lime to the water a little at a time and test the ph after till you get it to the desireable ph, if you use hydro i would reccomend goin to about 5.9
How do you use the grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom from your week old seedlings?
I didn't pick up tiger bloom because of how concentrated it was and I am afraid of burning my plants.
I really appreciate you taking the time to help.
no problem and what i do is hand water them for the first couple weeks cause they are new clones with ph balanced plain water then when i start to see some good growth i know their small feeder roots are developing and i can add half strength nutes

the first two weeks after their feeder roots come in i mix 2tsp grow big and 2tsp big bloom per gallon of water in my resivor and then once they get to about a month in i up it to three tsp each till im done with their vegging then for flower the first two weeks i use 1 tsp/gallon grow big 1tsp/g big bloom and 2 tsp/g tiger bloom then after that 1tsp/g big bloom and 2 teaspoon/g tiger bloom for the rest of the way for flowering with maybe a dash of worm castings

im using clones atm though if you are using seedlings i would use just plain water also if you wish to use fox farm soil i recommend happy frog or foxfarm ocean forest with some perlite n sand for good drainage, fox farm soils are very nutriet rich so i tend to wait till their bout half way done vegging depending how long you veg (i veg till they get about a solid foot before i fertilize as its easy to burn.
Would you recommend using Beastie Blooms and Cha Ching for flowering? Or am alright with just fox farm trio (grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom) through the whole grow?


Well-Known Member
How do you use the grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom from your week old seedlings?
I didn't pick up tiger bloom because of how concentrated it was and I am afraid of burning my plants.
I really appreciate you taking the time to help.
ANY of that shit is going to burn week old seedlings. The cotyledons provide everything a seedling needs. No nutes of any sort for at least 3 weeks.

Or, you can be impatient and find out through experience.

ANY of that shit is going to burn week old seedlings. The cotyledons provide everything a seedling needs. No nutes of any sort for at least 3 weeks.

Or, you can be impatient and find out through experience.

Bro, read my question again. I asked if these products are ideal for FLOWERING.
I know not to burn my seedlings.


Well-Known Member
How do you use the grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom from your week old seedlings?
I didn't pick up tiger bloom because of how concentrated it was and I am afraid of burning my plants.
I really appreciate you taking the time to help.
That's what I was referring to, the very first sentence.

If you aren't going to douche your seedlings, I apologize.

That's what I was referring to, the very first sentence.

If you aren't going to douche your seedlings, I apologize.

Oh alright man, just next time post with the quote cause I thought you were referring to my flowering question.
Well I'd like multiple opinions, so if you have fox farm nutes and have used them,
how would you recommend using them?


Well-Known Member
No experience with FF or any other bottled nute other than Earth Juice and after one run with that and observing and a close reading of the ingredients, decided I could duplicate it myself.

Now, I just run a pretty much 'water only' amended mix and use teas of the flavor I need at the moment.

Easy and cheap. Earth Juice is cheap for the quality you get, but you can still roll yer own even cheaper. If you aren't into mixing, the Earth Juice line is great for organics.

For chemical nutes, Jack's Classic. I used that for over 35 years and when I had my own nursery.
