My First Grow, Indian Haze With Pictures


Hello, I didn't notice you here before you seem new let me explain a few things. First my names Bunga321 and this will be my first grow journal so I hope you enjoy. Looking near the bottom of some posts I will be placing some pictures that I just happened to make for you in paint to enjoy. Were I live getting a ph meter is harder then getting a car so please don't ask. one of the two seeds i put it hasn't cracked yet so I'll post more updates even if it doesn't crack open.

On a side notes
You should know all background plants are not weed they are the veggie kits that came with it.
Feel free to post in this journal

  • Manufacturer - Seedsman
  • Genetics - South Indian Kerala x Original Haze
  • Variety - Pure Sativa Regular (not feminised)
  • THC Content - 14-20%
  • Grows - Greenhouse, Grows indoors
  • Flowering Time - 10 Weeks
  • Harvest Month - Late October/November

3 Days after seed Cracked (waiting for another to crack)



Hey bunga321 - Welcome to RUI and good luck with your first grow.

Suggestion ... cover up those seed pods so nothing molds on you.

Subscribed, look forward to the end product.


Suggestion ... cover up those seed pods so nothing molds on you.
>Thanks for the advice Nasbale just took seed pods off for pictures camera gives off a nasty glare.

My first subscriber! *Does happy dance*


The pump in the aerogarden stopped working today so I needed to do a transplant into dirt.everything looks well it hasent died, in fact it has its first set of true leaves starting. The other seeds are showing no signs of germinating yet,I hope they hurry so the plants aren't to far apart in age.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I wonder if the pump was blocked. This is the reason we also use AirStones in the AG.. Cause the AG pump is not very good.

Good luck with the Soil grow!


It's nice of you to of stayed and kept me company It gets lonely with only my plants and no one to talk to... They are Growing nicely, I have the main plant hereinafter Nugglett and the younger counter part Sprout.
Nuggett has great growth and is growing many "micro leaves" for more photos just ask :weed::grin:DSCF1882.jpgDSCF1886.jpgDSCF1881.jpg


Nugglett - 6 inches
Sprout - 3 inches
there the only ones to germenate so best of hopes for atleast one female.

pest control - I released 5 ladybugs in the house​
(I grow different plants throught the house)​
water - I've been letting the water sit for 48 hours with stirring every few hours

Nutrients - There still growing green so why make them jump around with nutrients.View attachment 988780View attachment 988785View attachment 988795

Oh yah Dylan this is for you:weed:


Now for an update have you been waiting long? ( you have dust on your shirt :oops: )

The storms are doing the plants no good, My roomate moved the plants OUTDOORS 100% un hidden just sitting there. I had to do a bit of hideing out just incase for a bit in Mexico (not jokeing, why is there food all spicy i ordered a taco and it almost killed me when i got it, I asked for it to be spicy not for it too kill me!)

Sprout - 23 inches Isn't doing so good She(maybe)fell over and her stem bended don't look broken so it may survive (I'm sayin'n about a 70/30 - life/death chance).

Nugglett - 42 inches - Transplanted 2 gallon autowater pot - fimmed before vacation - Is showing Single green and small hairs WOOO~! Female!

Just wondering all you growers out there, Is it normal for her fan leaves to have 9 segments?

Cloned Nugglett Before Vacation and it has a very nice areogarden root system

Now I have a whole family Nugglett, Sprout and Mini Nug


Well-Known Member
Hey Bunga, how are the girls doing now? I'm growing some Indian Haze also. Have any new pics to post? I'd like to see how they are doing. Maybe you should tie them to stakes for support. Pure sativas sometimes can't support their own weight. I've seen a few 9 point leaves on my girls too so it is probably common with these genetics. Are you going to force flower inside or leave them out and let nature handle it? I hope Sprout pulled through. Good luck.


Hey Bunga, how are the girls doing now? I'm growing some Indian Haze also. Have any new pics to post?
>Did i hear a wish for new picks! wish granted, behold your new pictures.

DSCF3059.jpgDSCF3065.jpgDSCF3064.jpgSprout and unrooted tipDSCF3051.jpgDSCF3056.jpgDSCF3061.jpgDSCF3060.jpgDSCF3062.jpgDSCF3050.jpgDSCF3057.jpgDSCF3053.jpg:joint:DSCF3055.jpgDSCF3054.jpg

I'd like to see how they are doing. Maybe you should tie them to stakes for support. Pure sativas sometimes can't support their own weight.
>The larger plant Nugglett has hada stake for a long time now but thanks for the tip:mrgreen:

I've seen a few 9 point leaves on my girls too so it is probably common with these genetics.
>Nugglett is covered with 9 pointed fan leaves.

Are you going to force flower inside or leave them out and let nature handle it?
>Well this is the interesting part I'm questioning my self. I may have to bring them inside well the small bag seed plants will be rushed but bag seeds, bag seed nothing expected from them though

I hope Sprout pulled through.
>Basically it turned into a fim not much of a bonus lost about 7" of growth



Well-Known Member
That one giant sativa, I'm guessing it's an Indian Haze, looks amazing. Is she starting to flower yet? I bet she ends up saying high to your neighbors above by the time she is through.


That one giant sativa, I'm guessing it's an Indian Haze, looks amazing.
>Yes it is one of the indian haze plants, stanging at around 56" or 5' 8".

Is she starting to flower yet?
> 50%+ green preflowers but there are white hairs starting to show.

I bet she ends up saying high to your neighbors above by the time she is through.
>Luckly for me i have no upstairs i'm on the top and the neighbour also grows in there house / deals so no problems there but will put plant on a angle to avoid other problems, like being seen from the ground.DSCF3070.jpgDSCF3073.jpg


this is a sooner update then expected, the most beautiful thing happened. I walked outside and smelled the crisp morning air, felt the chill of a light breeze. I walk over to my garden and smell a light smell something strange but familiar. I think nothing of it and bend over to inspect the garden. A smile flickers across my face, the bag seed plants are ALL flowering (2) .

Hair shots

Weird 3 segment leaves vs 5 segments 3 just look wrongh to me



Sorry for lack of updates, well I guess there's more then that. been keeping my eyes on Sativas; Sprout, Nugglett, Nuggett's top

But the problem if I've neglected to inspect the flowering bag seed plants...

I was looking at the one plant today (bag seed 1) it has some nugs starting going down it, I was looking at them and noticed first after seeing it beside my Sativas its not bushy all branches are unnoticeable unless looking closer then a pass by so I thought I would take pictures from side view. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I saw a ball, a Hermi and it blew its load. The pistols are still white so hopefully nothing will pollinate higher on the plant, also to add i did rub the sack on a set of pistols (bottom). Then destroyed it (lighter fluid and gun powder bomb)

Well ill at least have some bonus seeds for the winter months:cry:


Well-Known Member
Ouch that sucks. One of my Indian Hazes went hermie. I tried to save it by just removing the turned branches but it was spreading all over and I chopped her before any opened up. My two other plants were unaffected though.



Darn kids grow up too fast, but then again

Ouch that sucks. One of my Indian Hazes went hermie. I tried to save it by just removing the turned branches but it was spreading all over and I chopped her before any opened up.

Dang bad luck all over :cry: Too bad one of your promo seeds hermied. I was lucky it was just a junker plant. only problem is that the sac burst so I'm hoping it didn't pollinate any other branches / plants

My two other plants were unaffected though.

Good to hear your plants are doing fine still I have some mild nute burn on sativas, this is odd because i never gave then much nutes just 1/3 of a AG grow nute tab dissolved in a jug of water

I'll check out your journal in a bit once I get my breakfast Weedies jk oatmeal, with cannabutter toast


Well-Known Member
I never do too much nutes myself. I do about a tsp of high phosphorous bat guano and a half tsp of high nitrogen bat guano with a tsp of sucunat in a little over half a gallon of RO water. I only feed them this about every 1-2 weeks in flower. She seems to love this although the other one, that has a little indica in her, is showing some yellow and I will increase her feedings. I could probably step up the feeding a little on the Haze and she would do great but I figured why mess with it if it's working, right? They really seem to do well in light nute soil.


OK heres what happened, I use nute sticks and it turned out the last ones didn't dissolve in time. not very pleasant.


short story

stoner friend some how caught the grow room on fire and well i have a problem. I lost everything in my bedroom (I need cloths but im getting some tomorrow) thankfully i always have 5+ fire extinguishers outside the door so no one was harmed

/End journal


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear that Bunga :( I know how rough it can be to lose everything. Best of luck to you. I'm glad no one got hurt though. Thank goodness you had a fire extinguisher.