My First Grow!! Nirvana Short Rider !! OUTDOOR GROW


So this is my first grow and its gonna be nirvanas short riders. These little babies are feminized & autoflowering!!
I ordered the seeds from nirvana on 30th of April (they were shipped on 4th of May) and got them on 7th of May, so only 7days from ordering !!
IMG_20120515_162140.jpgIMG_20120518_191453.jpg my babies at age of 4days

I ordered 10seeds & took 8 of them and saved 2 for later uses. 8/8 germinated after 2 days (9th of May) and sprouted in 3days after planting (12th of May)

The plan was to grow them in a greenhouse for 2weeks and by that stage they would be able to survive in a forest just about 15kilometers/10miles from where I live. ( and start to look a bit suspicious so i would anyway have to transplant them) at night time I took the plants inside under a pathetic 15w growlight (didnt really have any extra money or time to buy better ones but it was okay for like 7hours a night and in the morning back to the greenhouse for some real sun) so they would get approx. 24hours a day of light so they would grow fast before transplanting! Cuz in where i live the sun shines for like 20hours a day in the summer :) ps. Scandinavia.

IMG_20120521_135125.jpg babies at age of about 10days

2weeks of greenhouse growing went fast, the plants were not so big as I wanted but they were okay. Almost all of them still have showed sex and appears to be female!! 8/8 germinated&sprouted&are female = AWESOME!!!

heres a pic of one at age of 12 or 13 days, I can see some signs of a female, am I right ???

So two weeks has passed and its time to transplant!! (23rd of May)

I bought 30liters/8gallons of good soil for flowers ( checked the nutrient levels & ph and they were perfect!) so it was almost 4liters of soil per plant/1gallon per plant. I think it was enough because the soil in the forest was quite good so i didnt think i need more than that !




back to transplanting..(23rd of May)

P5260005.jpgP5260009.jpgP5260014.jpgP5260018.jpgP5260021.jpgP5260027.jpgP5260026.jpgthese pics were taken on 26th of May, so 2weeks & 3days from germination! and 3 days after transplanting! they have grown real much in those 3days in the woods!!



Gonna go see how my babies are doing in few days!! tomorrow its gonna be 3weeks from germination!! i was thinking of going to visit my little girls on thursday! or maybe friday! so more pics coming this weekend!!


ANY IDEAS, SUGGESTIONS & CORRECTIONS ARE WELCOME!! i am a first time grower:) really would like someone to inform about the plants being female or not! i think they are because of the little hairs (seen in the picture above, for some reason the pic went horizontally and i wasnt able to change it back to vertical...) ive done lots of reading about growing cannabis indoors & outdoors & about autoflowering strains so i think i got almost all covered!! but help from a more knowledged grower would give me some peace of mind!


Im pretty sure all these feminized seeds turned out as they promised - FEMALES !!

heres a picture
riu.jpg ive just been wondering if they are 100% feminized cuz ive been hearing that sometimes all feminized seeds are not really feminized... but im sure these all are because all the 8 plants are showing hairs like this one in the picture


Well-Known Member
great job smokey. there looking real nice my friend. ive no exp in outside cultivation so as advice goes ive not much to say. just wanted to say nice job and wish you all the best..


great job smokey. there looking real nice my friend. ive no exp in outside cultivation so as advice goes ive not much to say. just wanted to say nice job and wish you all the best..
Thank you for your kind words spitsbuds!! Feel free to follow my journal if interested!!


As i ordered 10seeds from nirvana and only planted 8, i was wondering should I germinate & plant the remaining 2, cuz anyway the next time I would be able to grow those would be next summer.....

of those 8 that I planted earlier im hoping to get something like +10grams/½oz per plant, even though I know that I might get even more but this is my first grow and 80-100grams/3-4oz would be awesome !! anyway Im probably gonna germinate the remaining 2seeds in few weeks.. not sure yet though..


Active Member
Short rider is a great plant with a nice taste. I just harvested one plant :D Keep in mind that the Nirvana flowering timeframe estimation might not be accurate.
I've subscribed with your thread. Keep it safe & take care of your babies. Good luck!


Short rider is a great plant with a nice taste. I just harvested one plant :D Keep in mind that the Nirvana flowering timeframe estimation might not be accurate.
I've subscribed with your thread. Keep it safe & take care of your babies. Good luck!
Thanks for your time weed.senior !! i got a question for you ! how was the yield on your short rider? will keep that in mind & promise to take good care of my babies ;)


So today is 3weeks & 1day = day 22 from germination!
This morning I went to check out how my girls are doing and 5/8 had grown
significantly !!! out of the 3 that had not grown, 2 were dying, and 1 was starting to die.. well those 3 were the weakest ones anyway! ( and i was kind of sure that they would not make it even before i transplanted) I think the problem with those 3 was that they dont get enough sun..

Im real happy how those 5 beautiful ladies are doing!! Because of 3 plants are dying, I am going to germinate the remaining 2seeds that I have, hopefully they will replace the dying ones!

Now its time for pictures ;)



Gave some bloom fertilizer to my girls today, hope that they love it! gonna go check on those on Sunday or Tuesday depending on the weather :) its gonna be few rainy days coming... hope that its sunny next week!


Well-Known Member
Your plants look good but I don't see anything indicating sex in any of those photos. How many hours of sunlight are those plants getting?


Your plants look good but I don't see anything indicating sex in any of those photos. How many hours of sunlight are those plants getting?
Are u sure sonar? look at this pic (its the same as the 3rd from right that is above)

i can see pistols/hairs (or what they are called, pointed with a red arrow) clearly :D
Plants are getting about 18hours of light a day, will be getting even more when the summer really kicks in (20-22hours of sunlight a day in the summer)

heres a link of photo that helped me to say that the plants are female
I can see similarity to the upper plant in the link (the female)


your plants are looking healthy man, keep the pictures coming :)
Check out my plants man they look like we have exact same setup but im in u.k