My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading, Dr.Blunt. This thread is getting pretty damn long. About 30 more days and I can wrap it up. No harvest yet. I started from seed and vegged mom plants. I am 1/2 way through my first flower cycle with clones.


Well-Known Member
Is that really 25 days of growing ?
fuck man cant wait to see your harvest.
Yep. 25 days from rooted clone in 12/12. They stretched a little more than i was expecting but that has slowed now. Thank the pot gods:shock::shock:

I can't wait either, mate. This mexibrick i got ATM has got to go. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks, mate! Rep+ right back for reading. Australia is high on the list of places I want to visit before I die.


Well-Known Member
If you ever do. I reccomend QLD or WA.
I live on the gold coast and the beaches are seriously amazing.
an hours drive from me is a little peace of hippy heaven called "nimbin"
It is known as australias marijuana capital ahaha.
one of the most lay back towns ever ay :)

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Spectactamous!! LOL I got some food for thought here doog. Pretty much all of the growers I know, myself included, nute the shit out of our plants during flower. Veg nutes are very high in nitrogen, hence N burn. But bloom nutes are mostly P and K with very little N. You shouldn't have to worry about N burn and I have found that it is pretty hard to OD your plants on P or K. Apparently the roots won't take up more P or K than they need, unlike nitrogen where whatever you put in is absorbed. I peak at 2000 ppm in flower. 1190 sounds super low. Maybe the cause for your yellowing? What's the N-P-K of what you are feeding right now?


Well-Known Member
Spectactamous!! LOL I got some food for thought here doog. Pretty much all of the growers I know, myself included, nute the shit out of our plants during flower. Veg nutes are very high in nitrogen, hence N burn. But bloom nutes are mostly P and K with very little N. You shouldn't have to worry about N burn and I have found that it is pretty hard to OD your plants on P or K. Apparently the roots won't take up more P or K than they need, unlike nitrogen where whatever you put in is absorbed. I peak at 2000 ppm in flower. 1190 sounds super low. Maybe the cause for your yellowing? What's the N-P-K of what you are feeding right now?
I am new to hydro. Is the idea to give them as much ferts (ppm) as they can handle without burning? Is this purely to increase yield?

Just curious because I bought some Advanced Nutes 3-part +BigBud powder. They are expensive so I was hoping to get like maybe two grows with it. Would it be better to feed as heavy as I can once or to feed lighter, twice???

Thanks so much. And sorry if I am thread jacking. Everyone in this thread really seems to be on tp of it.


Well-Known Member
Spectactamous!! LOL I got some food for thought here doog. Pretty much all of the growers I know, myself included, nute the shit out of our plants during flower. Veg nutes are very high in nitrogen, hence N burn. But bloom nutes are mostly P and K with very little N. You shouldn't have to worry about N burn and I have found that it is pretty hard to OD your plants on P or K. Apparently the roots won't take up more P or K than they need, unlike nitrogen where whatever you put in is absorbed. I peak at 2000 ppm in flower. 1190 sounds super low. Maybe the cause for your yellowing? What's the N-P-K of what you are feeding right now?
Sup Mared? Couple of things:

1. My meter is calibrated at .5 when most of the ppl on this site sue the .7 measurement so my 1190PPM would read closer to 1500 on your meter. The other day when I was up around 1400 on my meter would have been close to 2000.

2. The statement that the plants won't take up more P or K than it needs is key. Because the plant only takes what it wants, if you push it you wind up with excess P and K in the solution. This would be bad for me as I do not flush or change my res for the whole cycle.

FNG is 4-8-7

I am new to hydro. Is the idea to give them as much ferts (ppm) as they can handle without burning? Is this purely to increase yield?

Just curious because I bought some Advanced Nutes 3-part +BigBud powder. They are expensive so I was hoping to get like maybe two grows with it. Would it be better to feed as heavy as I can once or to feed lighter, twice???

Thanks so much. And sorry if I am thread jacking. Everyone in this thread really seems to be on tp of it.
Stick to the plan for now. Get your feed going with the bloom and micro. You can add bigbud at wk 3 if you want. See my comments above about pushing the PPM>

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
This would be bad for me as I do not flush or change my res for the whole cycle.
Ah hah. Yes, that does change things. No flushes? You've got balls of steel, doog!! JK, I've quit the periodic flushing I used to do and now just flush if there's a problem which hasn't been for quite some time now, knock on wood. But I would have been a nervous wreck on my first grow without the option to flush.


Well-Known Member
Day 26

Watered moms

My PH is still in range but it came up pretty quick. I will keep an eye on it. Will prolly correct one more time if I have to. More than that and I will be forced to dump my res.


Well-Known Member
shit doog lookin nice...ive been away for a while...fuckin clones just arent my thing....i took so many and they keep going like yellow...some did root but arre still yellowing and i cant use veg juice on them yet cause it will screw em up.....i have enough to throw 2 tables on i ill be throwing some white berry into flower next week hopefully...ill sedn you the link so we can compare at the end.....lookin real good tho


Well-Known Member
Yellow clone leaves? Overwatered. Throw that humidome away
no overwatering i kept them moist only...with a heat pad underneath..the humudity was like 99 percent but i read that was good and the ones that were in there rooted well and now are not under the humidone.....they yellowed some too i just dont understand why...i believe its cause they took so long to root that they really needed nitrogen and they started to die...and its too early to nute


Well-Known Member
99% humidity is way overkill. Root temp and the amount of moisture in the medium are far more important. I got %100, no yellowing, with an ambient RH of about 30. You can give weak nutes (100-200ppm use bloom nutes, low in N) after about 5 days.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah doog, lookin very nice
I decided to take a shot a small clone grow. I did 6 for now and Ill see how they work out.