My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf: Ahhhhhh this is crazy, people are telling me its male, then they are telling me its female, then hermie. I don't fucking know what to think. Im just gunna let the son of a bitch grow and ill know soon enough. I wish someone that has done this many times could look at it and tell me. :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
DR Calm down did the hairs grow out of the node that looked like the balls or are they still there and on another node. thats gonna tell you, people come on later on and see it right off the bat and post it before they even see the latest pages. I know its stressin you out but you see HAIRS that means females....... if there are balls and hairs its hermie........ there is NO way its straight up male........ so don't listen to them either they don't know what they are saying or they are trying to piss you off. Dont worry man you will get smokable buds no matter what, its the sign of the hairs that tell you so......... feel better its fine dont listen to the ones saying its fully male cause its not.....!


Well-Known Member
HE can make a wall inbetween the plants..... he can do what he needs to do to save that one and not pollenate the other....... its not that hard ........ dont make it even more annoyin for him he is already gettin pretty annoyed with people giving him false answers of its a male when there are hairs growing out of the one.......


Well-Known Member
dude i am not talking about dry wall its simple he can separate with mylar even making sure that there is no cracks in between , or cardboard its not rocket science anyway this is his decision not a battle on his thread with 2 other people........


Well-Known Member
so have i ........ awwe being rude to me thats straight piss off where ? i was stating a fact that you dont need dry wall to fix the problem of making a 'wall' to keep the 2 apart and WE DONT EVEN KNOW ITS HERMIE i am just saying stop wasting the time about an argument that might not even need to be there....... Dr sorry about the posts on your page on this ......... maybe i should just email or something....... but there you go and hope it helps


New Member
Pollen can travel 2 miles in wind. Mylar is gonna stop that? I'm glad you were here to run everyones off Doc's thread.

I don't see Doc telling anyone to stop commenting on his plants.

Sorry doc gotta run, Always is apparently the only one whose opinoin is worthy.


Well-Known Member
i didn't say that , dude are you pmsing....... i dont think pollen will eat through the mylar....... i have seen ways to do this and i will find them for you if you need the m dr. and i was just saying that I didn't want his thread to be over runned by an arguement with the 2 of us ........ not that people cant post....... are you serious? sorry dr she must of not understood what i was saying


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf: I'm not gunna keep no fucking hermie. And im now 99.9% sure it is a hermie because there is another little bump growing next to one that was already there in the picture. The plant has a bunch of pistils but these bumps, im pretty sure are male flower sacks. I could be wrong. I hope i am but probably not. The only way im ging to keep this plant is if my other plant is a male, and so far the big plant hasn't showed ANY signs of sex yet. I appreciate the help Miss. H you are and always have been my hero. And always1618 i also appreciate the concern but that idea is just plain stupid to build a wall between a hermie and a female in my opinion. If you want to risk it then hey that's you but im not going to chance it. Im starting to not even give a fuck about these shitty bagseed plants. Because one of my feminized PPP seeds just sprouted out of the soil. I didn't even want to grow bagseed, i just planted them cause i didn't know what the hell i was doing and now i do. It will be wonderful if i get a female but i wasn't counting on it going in on this so im not gunna lose anything. :leaf::leaf:


New Member
Why is it that when someone disagrees with a women she's got to have her period? Unless the mylar is taped completely around where there are no cracks in the least, pollen can still travel. Pollen is microscopic and travels on air which is blown around by the fans people run.

I'm worried that he's going to take some lame advice and end up with 2 seedy plants. A lot of people talk out of their asses on this site and since you didn't agree with me and decided I MUST have my period it leads me to believe that you are an ass talker.


Well-Known Member
ugh i dont wanna take someone off of someone elses thread... anyway i understand dr. its not that i haven't seen it before or that i dont know what i am talking about one of my friends and i did it... and the other one didn't hermie though I did forget you had the ppms and think it would be a waste of your time to do something with the bagseed when you have females waiting to show you their stuff....... good luck


Well-Known Member
Hehe been followin your grow for a while but just realized our ladies have the same names :)

Big Mama for the win!

Lookin great Doc. Hopin it isn't a hermie!

Gonna have some more pics up today. I quick dried a nug off my Big Mama yesterday and smoked it after the Packers walloped the lions 48-25 VICTORY!

Your damn raiders cost me $300 though...:spew:


Well-Known Member
nooooooooooooooooooo...... hermie!!!!!!!!!! well you did the smart thing by waiting and by getting feminized seeds. lol i am female to i just had to get that out the whole pms thing with her........ so one of your female seeds has sprouted??? how many days above soil? check out my grow dr and see my pics they both are beautiful. and i am guessing still no signs on the other?