my first grow


New Member
i stayed up most of the night shaking the bottle to try and get rid of the bubbles & it worked. the mix has settled down now and everything seems ok for the moment lol ( till the next time ) more trial & error.


Elite Rolling Society
If you GOOGLE High wattage CFL, you can find some super `105 watts . I use 6 85 watt Spiral CFLs, about $29 each. Lowes and Home Depot have 42 watts for about 19 plus 6 to ten 4 for the reflectors. But man, you are going to get 5 or 6 joints of great bud and wish you had thrown the lights to it to get an oz or two of buds. If you hve to, buy a mess of cheap 24 watts but do something FAST, get some lights !


New Member
hi roseman, ive got a few more lights but i cant overload my power source too much as ive got them in a wardrobe ( risk of fire ). i know what you are saying about quantity but is starting to take off now, its got alot more bud sites now approx 20. they maybe small at the moment but i have faith in my little beauties. i'll try & get some decent pictures on here this week of her.
thanx for your concern.


New Member
nice plant roseman, i see you have 178w of cfl's there. if thats what yours look like at day 47 with that i cant wait to see what i will have as ive got 2 cfl's that = 200w & a set of 4 uv flouro's that = 60w giving total of 260w. im on day 12 of flowering so im hopeing to see a big improvement in the next few weeks. im giong to put pics up on monday as that will be 14 days & do it again every 7 days so we can see the difference.


New Member
hi there again, ive taken the pics a day early because the buds are popping up everywhere now. the pics are not that clear but im sure( hope ) you can see the buds, im soooo happy with this little beauty. i cant believe how well its coming on! its only 11 days into flowering. thanx again to all who have given me advice on this my 1st grow.



Well-Known Member
I see you took out the foil, that was a smart move man, white paper or whatever that white is in there should be alot better. Looking good though, but yeh the more lights the better, and lougrew, not a very liked person around here I guess, but hes a good grower, said that when using cfls, put them in a triangle around over top the plant. you can go to his thread to see pictures, but the bottoms of cfl should be at the top of the plant, and hang them in a triangle. if you have more, you could put another one directly above, and then wherever you see fit. Just trying to give you some ideas :mrgreen:

Good luck buddy : )


New Member
hi there jackinthebox, i only took the plant out so i could get some decent pics ive still got the foil in the grow room. thanx for the tips on using the cfl's & where to put them, im going to have to move things around abit anyway so i'll position them higher up. many thanx


New Member
thats my growroom altered abit now, ive re-positioned my cfl's as jackinthebox suggested & i noticed some leaves were getting burned. i cant believe just how many buds are popping up on this plant, there are buds on the lowest branches now although small they all count. i'll get some more pics up tonight.


New Member
here is the pics i said i was going to put up. as you can see the second pic the buds are all down the stem. ( i must be doing something right ). the plant is 18" high & 2 weeks into flowering. can anyone suggest as to how much bigger it will get ?



Well-Known Member
Hey Dude, got your PM, and took a look see. I read where you have 2 pc fans going.....are they both on exhaust?
The reason I ask, is if you have one pulling and one pushing, one is oing to lag behind. The other reason is if you have to 70cfm fans one pulling and the other pushing, besides the lag, you arent using it to its full potential, if both are on exhaust, you now have 140cfm.

The best scenario is both fans as an exhaust, having an opening or holes for new air to be drawn in.
Heat is a bitch to deal with sometimes.

Otherwise your looking okay, I can hear the enthuiasm in your posts, its pretty cool.
Peace dude!


New Member
thanx videoman, the fans are circulating the air as i cant vent it into the room which is a real bummer.( i know i should vent ) its not an air tight room so there is fresh air getting in ( just not alot ). most of the hot air is released from just above the door and the fans keep it moving all the time. it is a constant 29 degrees celcius with lights on & goes down to about 15 celcius lights off. humidity is 50 - 60% & ph is between 6 & 7.


New Member
hi, i have just noticed that on the stem at the nodes there is a redish / purple coloured section. its also on the leaves where the blades join the branch. ive added 2 pics of where they are because my cam wont pick them up clearly. does anyone have any ideas as to what this is and whats causing it ? thanx



Well-Known Member
Hey Dude, got your PM, and took a look see. I looked at your original picture, and it looks like you did use pearlite, and have adequate drainage, correct?

So long as they are still growing, I wouldnt worry. It simply may be a trait of the strain that you are growing. It happens.....relax.


New Member
thank videoman, its good general purpose compost its in & it does have good drainage. what strains have this trait ? as i dont know what strain it is.
many thanx videoman.


New Member
when do i take the flowering time ? is it from when i changed to 12/12 or is it when i first saw the buds forming ? i cant seem to find any info on this. as im not sure i could be over a week out if i get this wrong,


New Member
ive just had to add a carbon filter to my setup as my wife could smell it from upstairs ( 2 flights lol ) & my grow room is in the basement, i must be used to the smell because i could only smell it when i was in the grow room. its a home made job but it seems to be doing the trick. pc fan bolted onto a plastic box with carbon cooker hood filter cut to size & trippled, then screwed onto the roof of my grow room ( she cant smell it now ).
i'll get some pics up later when i get the chance.


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Flower time is from first day of 12/12...but you should (IMO) only use those times as a basic guide and should watch your plants for individual signs of maturity. (trichomes) My experience is that most strains take AT LEAST the time stated by the breeder to fully finish.

Killer ingenuity points on the filter! I love it when folks take the bull by the horns and make it happen! (and keeping the wife happy is ALWAYS a good motivator for the brain to kick into gear!)

good luck

bt dt