My first grow


Well-Known Member
Just dropping in to quickly note that you CAN get the 4 dollar refill bag of crystals at Lowes. Like I said, it's with the cleaning supplies....where candles are, bottom shelf. ;;;;damn, I'm good. No need to order it online.
I'm at Lowes almost on a daily basis. There are quite a few employees at Lowes who will give you that look like you're a damn fool. Chalk it up as they are just clueless and hate their jobs. Customers have a better chance of finding something asking me vs. an employee that SHOULD know.
I hope you are getting your sand from aisle 14..cheaper and less chance of having lil bugs in them. (playsand)
Now, the guys at the hydro store give it to me straight....I just look at them and say, "Now that Clearex stuff, I don't REALLY need that." They know I know better. PLUS, they give me FREEBIES!!!
LOL, can you tell I'm frugal?:bigjoint:
Let me know how you think that stuff works....I still can't figure out what it's doing. I was using it for my car--some jackass broke into my car to take my stereo (among other things) now, my car has been rained in---the smell was not pleasant to say the least. :spew:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Maybe I was looking in the wrong section at Lowes, but I gave it a thorough twice over and couldn't find it. I got it at home depot--right next door--so whatever. They do appear to be working though. They have turned from crystals to the consistency of cottage cheese. Literally, you could pour it out onto a plate and tell someone it was cottage cheese and they wouldn't be able to tell. But who eats cottage cheese anyway?

It's hard to say exactly how much they are lowering the RH, but it is doing something. The veg room now stays about 45% all the time...I could probably let that one get higher because they are vegging, but I like low humidity. The flower room, which was around 70% at night (with no real movement of the air...yikes...) is now about 50%. I think that has more to do with the fan I'm running 24/7 than the crystals, but they are probably helping too. The veg room leaks some light around the edges of the closet doors, which is the reason I was blocking off the flower room with the curtain. I was also cutting off air circulation and increasing the risk of bud rot...whoops.

So now I've corrected the problem and can only hope things didn't get moldy. I was looking at tall girl yesterday, and noticed some coloring that was a tad bit unsettling...

So please have a look and let me know what you think. Here's Tall girl. Main cola is projecting new growth.

Here's the top, and the area I'm concerned about--kinda brown, kinda purple, kinda not the same color as the rest of it. I didn't break it open and inspect inside, but it didn't smell funny.

Another shot. Ignore the cat hair, it just gets everywhere.

And another

And another. It doesn't seem to be happening anywhere else, just the top of the top. Maybe its turning purple?

Wide girl. Doing fine, just fine.

No signs of mold or rot here. I did kinda peel her open a bit, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

She is fantastic.

Nice closeup shot of something...some calyxes, but not sure where on the plant they were...kinda looks like the top though...


I just laugh when I look at how thick that cola is.

Close up.

Teenagers. Maybe young adults even now. I think these three are the same genes--they are all just bagseed (again), but these girls look identical.

Their tops. Shitty pic. Sorry.

I figured out how to more effectively check the trichomes...just put the damn microscope against the bud, duh. I zoom it all the way and move the scope to focus on the trichs. I was surprised to find some amber trichs on all of them. Maybe they are a little closer to harvest than I thought?

I'm going to use the final flush stuff I got--only 10ml per 5 litres, so it doesn't take very much. Can't hurt, and I may want to harvest a little sooner so I want it as flushed as I can get.

I did some perusing of the FAQ's last night and found some interesting info on flushing and its effects. Some argue it's actually bad to flush, and the nasty taste people experience is from improper drying/curing and not inadequate flush time. Who knows. I'm flushing at LEAST once more.:leaf:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I wonder who said flushing is bad. I've never heard that one before. They must prefer the feeling of chemical burn in their mouth while smoking LOL. But yea I like the super zoom pics on the older plants. Nice and frosty there. And the 2nd generation is looking beautiful. Way to go man.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I wonder who said flushing is bad. I've never heard that one before. They must prefer the feeling of chemical burn in their mouth while smoking LOL. But yea I like the super zoom pics on the older plants. Nice and frosty there. And the 2nd generation is looking beautiful. Way to go man.

The summary section pretty much explains it. Just throwing that out there.

Thanks mared, they're coming down soon...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Turning purple you say? I certainly don't see any purple
Like I said, more a brown than a purple...but certainly not green. It's hard to see under all those tichomes :hump:

I think I overreacted after reading so much about bud rot...I inspected all the main colas thoroughly (to the stem from thickest part of the main cola) and found no sign of rot, so the color change must be natural. Checking the trichs again today I think they are a couple days away still. Mostly cloudy, still some clear, and a couple amber. I'm going to snip a few buds tonight or tomorrow night, maybe one from each, to test the early harvest high :leaf:


I'm going to snip a few buds tonight or tomorrow night, maybe one from each, to test the early harvest high :leaf:

snip it! snip it! :twisted:

did u see yet another reason to quit smoking cigarettes now? well atleast u have until January 1. haha

chronic is king. tabacco can suck one


Well-Known Member
Hey Jerry, plants are looking great !
About the brown-purple color... im thinking its more than likely just a sign of the plant maturing and not bud rot.
Your plants have so many brown pistils that I was kind of expecting you to find a bunch of amber trichs. About when to harvest.. that just depends on what percentage of ambver trichs you want...

Great job man.. and the young ones are looking nice as well:joint:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks T. Still no sign of bud rot or mold, so I'm feeling alright about whatever is going on with the color.

I snipped 3 lower small buds today. Probably spent 20 minutes trimming, and they aren't very big. I ran some string through a cardboard box and hung the buds in that. I want it to be out of direct light as much as possible. I've got a 12" oscillating fan moving air in/around the box, but not blowing directly at it. The wet weight of shorty's bud was 4.2, and tall girl was 2.4 (could have been a little more but I accidentally took off a little chunk while trimming). I didn't weigh wide girls bud, but it isn't very big.

I checked the trichs on all the plants as soon as they woke up, and I'm just not quite sure what I'm seeing. The trichs that are amber are clear with a hint of amber and colored on both the head and the stalk. I'm not sure if these count as "amber" because they are so close to being clear. Either way, there aren't very many of them yet. The cloudy trichs are only cloudy in the heads, and predominate the landscape. Still, the trichs on the newer growth are mostly clear.

But these amber/clear ones are just wigging me out. I've seen plenty of pics of amber trichs that have amber little heads, but these definitely do not. Maybe I need a stronger scope...I'll try with a 60x, but I can see them pretty well with my 30x.

So I've got 3 little buds. I'll let them dry in their box and then try them out. Or maybe I'll cure it the full 30 days and compare that to a full cure of the later harvested buds...but probably I'll just smoke them when they're dry.

I collected all the leaves--larger stemmed leaves went in one small box, smaller crystally bud leaves went into a smaller box. I left the lid open and put them in the same box with the buds to dry.

I took a couple pics...I'll get them up a little later.


i just read through your whole grow journal...impressive my man...shoot some pictures up of the bud when u smoke ittt ahhhh my mouth waters just looking at these pictures

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
i just read through your whole grow journal...impressive my man...shoot some pictures up of the bud when u smoke ittt ahhhh my mouth waters just looking at these pictures
Thanks ec, I hope it was an informative read.

The bud on the left is Shorty, the middle is Wide girl and the right is Tall girl. I think I did an ok job for my first trim.

Here's a closer shot. Wide girl turned out a little smaller than I thought...oh well, this is just a test anyway. I didn't leave much stem because there were smaller buds still on the branches that just looked a little premature. There's enough stem left though.

Rise up this morning, smile with the rising sun. Three little buds, sitting by my doorstep. Singing sweet songs, of sensimilla pure and true...:leaf:


right you need constant watering maybe a cup full once a the morning, you most definitely need a decent small fan....turn it on all the time.


Well-Known Member
Congrats Jerry ! I hope your test buds dry soon so you can take a little taste.

About your trichs.. I would just wait a couple of days, and see if you start getting more amber heads.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice Jerry. I pay attention to the heads of the trichomes. Takes a lot of practice to get the magnifier to focus on what you want it to and even then it is hard to tell what exact color you are seeing. Some strains have very distinct amber heads that are almost black. Some will only yellow a bit. I generally don't see clear, cloudy, and amber all at the same time but I'm not looking at the shafts, just the heads. lmao


Active Member
Hey Jerry, i just read through your whole journal and it was a pretty exciting read!
I hope everything goes well for you!