My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Nice sexy ass lady there. I think you should finish her last 2 weeks in the greenhouse when that time comes? What does she smell like right now or still too early?


Well-Known Member
January 2011

Pre-98 Bubba

March 2011


Red Kush


Hmm I see some Cougar seeds in there ;)

May 2011

Northern Skunk

Red Kush (again) this one was revegged after sex showed

Power Skunk

Purple Cheese

Grape Kush


Cougar Kush



Well-Known Member
bc your skills both as a grower/breeder and your photos constantly amaze me...hats off to ya brother...
ps the shot of the cougar seeds peeking out is killer


Well-Known Member
Mr Bill that is sum string of pics you got there
sum big things popin very nice subjects and very nice photogrophy skillz

maybe it is me i dont know but the second RED shot and the chemband shot sum very nice bucket hauls

everything looks good top notch me and a lot of others just grow plants you grow top notch

i still say sum are fortunate to have agreen thumb and you have a green arm

are these all current pics if so yo azz gona need sum help smokin all dis material


Well-Known Member
Mr Bill that is sum string of pics you got there
sum big things popin very nice subjects and very nice photogrophy skillz

maybe it is me i dont know but the second RED shot and the chemband shot sum very nice bucket hauls

everything looks good top notch me and a lot of others just grow plants you grow top notch

i still say sum are fortunate to have agreen thumb and you have a green arm

are these all current pics if so yo azz gona need sum hel smokin all dis material
Nah it was more of year in review for me, kinda summing up the best from 2011 for me ;)


Well-Known Member
nice job there wheels (salute)
i see wheels has rank i thout he was a like a private
now i see he is a officer in your army

i googled the pred wasp i think you hit that on the head first i thought it was diff
cause the back section was flat in pics was like bulb
maybe his used up cause stuck to the fly paper and could not eat

can see the trichs stuck all over him like porkupine quills
imagine like the honey i shrunk the kids peole tryn to get across sum sticky budag
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