my first plant is sick!


Active Member
something is wrong with my plant. it is three and a half weeks old two weeks ago i had some heat issues but it recovered. but now my bottom leaves are slowly still turning yellow and crispy looking and all leaves except tiny new ones have light blotches over it them with there tips turning yellow. i cant seem to see any spider mites. it is under a 2 foot strip of florescent lights about 6 inches above. pure blend pro premium organic 3-1.5-4 still on light mix strength seedlings.



Well-Known Member
Hydro setup there? Or what is your setup for growing, what lights etc. do you foliar feed? How is the water PH ?

Hard to tell whats wrong because of the water on the leaves, normally the 2 little leaves at the very bottom ( Called petioles) normally shrivel up and fall off.


Active Member
k yes it is a hydro set up i am using your regular aquarium grow flouresent a 2 x 2 foot bulb strip. i do not foliar feed i just sprayed some water on them to see if there were webs. i have not checked the ph yet i am going to get strips tommorow. here is a better pic.thanks so much i previously had a half week of heat in the 95 region some curling happened then recovered then shortly after this



Active Member
and yah it grew to that height in like 3 days and just kept putting out leaves i dont get it it is chemo strain and i sprouted a train wreck and it passed it in 2 days now twice its hieght. i got the seeds from bc seeds only two out of ten sprouted. mad about that. bummed genetics?


Well-Known Member
Could be, or perhaps you did something wrong when germinating.

Do you know what your PH is? Those spots do look odd, if its spidermites you will know if you take a nice good look at the undersides of the leaves.


Active Member
i recently upped my nutes and the new leaves are growing in darker green and spots are filling in. the bottom leaves are still yellowed though. i guess we will see what happens in the enxt few days.