My First Plant


Well, over a few weeks I have been getting seeds from some good weed. So from those I started with.

First time I ever tried my skill at growing the plant got to 5 inches tall, I didn't look after it much was never home to do so. After a while it died because someone knocked over the pot. Knew it wasn't going to live after the first 2 weeks. But anyways that was my real first attempt.

This time I'm looking after it a lot better than the first, its been about 3 weeks from Seed.

I won't state my lighting.
I am not using nuts.
I do not know what kind of seed it was.
I will keep posting pictures thru-out months.

Currently 8-10 inches tall



Well it has been a few days here is an update.

I started another little baby too, another bagseed.

The brown tips, are likely due to too much nuts. already in the soil. It is organic, no chemicals added. Or could be the well water I am using (sitting for a day or 2)

I am using 2 32W CFLs now with reflector...I have a 150W bulb beside me, but I think its blown, has white stuff on the inside.

Comments & Suggestions are welcome



The plant produces fan leaves nicely, but I am seeing more yellowing! Oh Nos!..The blotches on the leaves themselves is me leaving drops of water on the leaves, ah well. The second picture is process of my second plant, its first blades are shriveling but its making 5 new blades so I'm not worried. I am thinking of using nutrients soon maybe, but what I have on hand right now is Evergreen and Ceder feeder. Some people around here use it to fertilize there weed plants, I'm not sure if this is the way I want to go, but one that said he used them said they budded nicely and all. I want to hear from anyone that has used it in the past and the end result. :leaf: Around the stem of the bigger plant has leaves everywhere coming out, just can't see them, can see them in first post tho.



Well, it is about time to add more mistake when I put it in the bucket was I didn't put enough, so now I need to scoop it out put it more soil and see how it goes. The plant is over the top of the lid and the bottum leaves are not receiving much light, but yet they are doing fine. A couple(2) leaves on the bottom are a bit brown tho. I can't really take a picture of the lower section of the plant.



Looks like I ended up with a fucking male! Im going to have to chop it down and do something with it. Does anyone know how to make oil or hash from a male. Even if its crap ill still do it. I want to do something with my first grow. SOMEONE HELP! I want to make hash or oil from my male, any help? I am hoping for my next 2 to be female.



Well-Known Member
sorry to see it a male happened to me on my first real try at it, its in my sig...hows your other 1 doing...start germin some more after my 2 males i germed like 10 more seeds so far this time i got 4 females and the other 5 are still in veg yet to show sex and 1 didnt make dont give up you will be rewarded...


Well, here are 2 new pictures, the first is the possible male plant, I just don't have it in me to kill it. May collect the pollin and male seeds later. The second is my second plant, its growing nicely aswell :) its on 24/h light. The male is on 12/12 light. I do have another next to my second but I didnt feel like taking a picture of it, But comment :):weed:



I am making a little box for the plants to flower in out of junk wood that woulkd make a nice box :), lining it with fire blanket and a tarp. Pictures tomorrow. 3x4x5


Well here are the new pictures, build the box while everything was still on, talk about HARD to do! Everything was shakey but I managed and this is what I came out with. Used 2 tarps to keep light out going to put a fan poking in to eather blow air in or suck it out at night or somethin, ill figure something out. I am going to make something for the lights, not sure what yet but I have a few ideas. A picture of my other 2 babies too :)



Well I have 3 going, 1 is bound to be female, if it is infact a male I'm collection pollen so I can try my luck and making some sexy seeds on a branch :) If I do get female, its being cloned, and they will be getting ready for outdoor growing time. If it becomes to early well, ill just wish for the best.


Well-Known Member
Male :( you would notice the hairs by the time flower formation began to occur (pic above you can slightly make out a sack on the node directly below the main shoot (blurry but still there).

Def don't hold any sentimental value on the males you have grown, keeping them and a few of those balls drop there nana's to powder and you'll be scrappin seeds out of your crops for the next year. (less you scrub down or have a sealed area).

Sorry about the males man, to the next plant right :) great looking plants though.


When it was starting to preflower I seen a few ball looking things starting to grow so I ripped them out, knowing that it would take time for them to ever grow back. but now they are back while its flowering. And males always have value :) Oil on pollen. or if it was summer I would forsure plant it near a high school.


Well I just chopped the Male, the biggest plant.. this is what it ended up to be. 3 Quick pictures before giving her the snip. I ended up breaking 3 pissed snorted a pill...fuckin hell. Almost broke another branch..
