My first 'real' grow

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Next weekend i'll transplant. Saturday. I'm going with two gallon containers. That should be big enough, yet small enough to contain their size.

Woot! Steelers won the Super Bowl!

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I want them to max out at about 36 inches. I plan on topping, fimming, or even some LST. Hopefully topping will be enough.


Well-Known Member
nice yeah my gf is going to LST a few of her babies lol should be sweet, which one would you rather try?

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I think I'll top mine. I may try a scrog next time. After this harvest I'll probably buy a grow tent or build a cabinet so I can grow a few tall ones in there and do Sog or scrog in the closet.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
would you have two flower rooms or, one veg and one flower?
Right now I have my 4x4x8 closet seperated into two sections. 4x4x3 on the bottom, and 4x4x5 on top. Bottom is for vegging, clones, and mothers. The top is for flowering. When I harvest I will buy a tent or build something. That will also be for flowering. I want one harvest a month. I'll do a sog or scrog in the closet because of the limited height. The second flower site I buy/build will be 4x4x6 probably. Not much more height but it's another foot.


Well-Known Member
Right now I have my 4x4x8 closet seperated into two sections. 4x4x3 on the bottom, and 4x4x5 on top. Bottom is for vegging, clones, and mothers. The top is for flowering. When I harvest I will buy a tent or build something. That will also be for flowering. I want one harvest a month. I'll do a sog or scrog in the closet because of the limited height. The second flower site I buy/build will be 4x4x6 probably. Not much more height but it's another foot.
nice man, sounds like a sweet set-up, and sounds like a deadly addition

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
So today is my plants one week birthday. I took another picture. They are growing pretty well. Friday I am making the trip to the grow shop to get containers. I will transplant them then. No problems yet!


AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I'm going to get a 6" inline fan and some 6" to 4" reducers today, as well as some grow bags to transplant into. Hopefully with the bigger fan my temps will go down.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Low 80s now. I don't like the grow bags. I ordered some 1 gallon black pots. They will be here today. Friday night I'll be transplanting. I'm also going to get a cool tube. I think that will be my best solution for getting my temps in the 70's. I'll do that on friday the 20th.

My plants are looking ok. Some lower leaves are yellowing and curling. I cut back on water. But it might be from heat, the nutes in the soil, or the small cups. I'll gets picture posted when I get home from work.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Ok, here is the picture. This is on day 15 since the plants sprouted out of the soil. Like I was saying, the bottom leaves are yellowing and getting a bit dry. I assume its from the heat. My temps are a bit better, but still ocasionaly get to the upper 80s. Maybe tomorrow I will go get a cool tube or similar vented reflector. My containers are on the FedEx truck now. I should go tomorrow morning to get the hood, and pick up some Fox Farm soil to use when I transplant.


AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I repotted today. I was hoping between that and getting an air cooled reflector my temps would go down, and my plants would get nice and green again.

I repotted, watered, got high, had lunch, etc, and when I came back about two hours later after repotting, my temps are holding steady in the mid to upper 70's, and my humidity is slowly that is awesome. I might hold off on getting that air cooled hood. If I don't need it, its $100 less I need to spend. I still may get one, but for now I think i'll keep it as is.

All I can think of is that with the plants being spaced differently, there is more air flow, which leads to lower temps. And with bigger containers and more soil, there is more water, so the air gets more humid

I'll get some pictures taken later.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I took another picture after repotting. My temps have came up slightly, but are still better than they were. It has maxed out at 81, which is what it was at when I took the picture. I will adjust my fans and such later to see if I can get it back down. I still may get an air cooler reflector. I'd love to get it down another five degrees. I wonder if thats possible with a cool tube or something similar.

I think I am going to get more one gallon containers and use them for all future clones. They are not to big, and not to small. Next time I am at the grow shop I will look at some two gallon containers. I wonder how many of those I can fit in a 45" x 45" area with a 600w HPS above them when i'm flowering. I could probably fit 10 or so, which would be cool. I'll have to look into the bigger containers later.


AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I gave them a good watering when I transplanted yesterday. They are looking better this morning.

It was so hard to keep them moist in those small cups. They dried up within hours it seemed.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I took another picture. They seem to be doing much better now that I transplanted them. The room is back up in temperature, but its still not as bad as it was, and the humidity is up a bit, too. I took an old CPU heatsink fan and connected it to the chunk of flexible duct so its pulling more air off the bulb. I was going to top them today, but I was high and got paranoid of hurting them. I'll wait until they are a bit bigger to do that.

