my fisrt grow, gurilla in the woods.


Active Member
This is my first post on here.
i have two plants that are five weeks old now, just moved them out to my spot in the woods. i found these seeds in some bud i had so do not no the strain. i started them off on my windowsill for about two weeks then a nother twoo weekin in my garden hardening them of and now there in the woods.

i have also started four other plants that sprouted about 4 days ago. these are seeds i bought of the net. they are sweet purple. it says they are mould resistant and grow in colder climates. i plan to do that same with these as i have the others. as you can see i have been doing my homework.

anyone got any tips or coments to help my grow??
many thanks.


Well-Known Member
do more homework, lol! most everything i learned was from faq or experience, asking vauge questions will not get you many replies, google guerilla growing on google, there is all kinds of info out there...


Active Member
ok thanks, i have The Cannabis Grow Bible but its a 2002 addition.will much be diferent from the newer books?

i also wonted to no if people thort my plants were looking in good shape seing as i have never grown before. any coments would be grate. and you will probably notic my first problem from the pictures, that there both in the same pot.

i am not sure weather to cut down the smaller one or try to seperatate them. baring in mind the bigger one had a small slug attack about 4 days ago. it ate almost half of on of the bottom leaves and a tiny bit of on of the higher leaves.
what do u think??

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taken about two weeks ago.

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about a week ago

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two days ago

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today after taking it to grow spot in the woods.

apricciate any coments good or bad.