My full-on outdoor plant is screwed. chop it?


Well-Known Member
I have one plant growing unprotected in the cold, we Western Washington Weather as sort of an experiment as I didn't have room under the covering on my deck for the runt of the litter. I shake it off regularly but when it's in the 40s and 50s and raining regularly it never really gets to dry out. This morning I came out to find one of the buds looking like this. Although this plant isn't going to be ready for a few more weeks I think it's probably best to cut my losses and chop it before the whole plant ends up looking like this. Does that sound like the best thing to do? Immature bud is better than no bud, no?



that's some type of fungus, i would burn that shit, and call it a day. those spores are all over the plant. no good.


Active Member
whats to save, two of the worst hits mankind ever devised?
shit can that thing asap and move on


Well-Known Member
I completely understand that smoking it would be harsh but shouldn't I be able to make butter out of it or something after giving it a nice peroxide bath (to theoretically kill spores) and allowing it to dry? I've looked at the remaining buds carefully under bright lights and don't see any more "fur" and can't see anything other than trichs (about 50% clear and 50% cloudy) under the Radio Shack handheld microscope. The rest of the plant is in the wood stove as I type :)


Well-Known Member
make whatever you want from it, as advice isn't being listened to
Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as being disrespectful or simply not listening to you veterans. I was just trying to see if there were any alternatives to simply burning it all.


Well-Known Member
I guess the question is for you then: do you want to smoke/eat/cook white powdery mildew/etc fungus ? If your answer is 'sure I want to possibly fukk my self up and others I share the poison with'. .... then I do not understand either...


Well-Known Member
I guess the question is for you then: do you want to smoke/eat/cook white powdery mildew/etc fungus ? If your answer is 'sure I want to possibly fukk my self up and others I share the poison with'. .... then I do not understand either...
I definitely don't want to do that, but I saw this and it made me think twice :)


be ez

Well-Known Member
regardless what you do it won't be smokeable at any point... just cut your losses and toss it


dude that is fungus. and powdery mildew is just that. a powdery looking substance. that fungus looking shit looks like it came from outer space. if you're others have no signs of that, then keep them away from that purple shit. and like i said before, burn it! its no good. keep an eyeball on you're other nugs in case it spread.


Well-Known Member
dude that is fungus. and powdery mildew is just that. a powdery looking substance. that fungus looking shit looks like it came from outer space. if you're others have no signs of that, then keep them away from that purple shit. and like i said before, burn it! its no good. keep an eyeball on you're other nugs in case it spread.
Point taken from all. The entire plant is a part of the atmosphere now. All I can say is I am damn glad this was in a completely different are of the yard than the other plants. I went over all the others with a fine tooth comb (AFTER taking a shower and changing my clothes!) and no signs as of now so I am keeping my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Does the photo on the first page look like botrytis? Just trying to get a positive ID for my notes for next year :)