My girlfriend says NO MORE POT TALK


Well-Known Member
Ok, I will be the first to admit, to most non marijuana using humans, my views may seem a bit radical. Every chance I get to share with those who have not been enlightened to the endless amount of data I have stored in my head, I share, and utilize every ouce of passion I have on the matter.

She has said no more. What am I to do?


Well-Known Member
can you still smoke........if so there is a time and place for everything dont try and push your views on others

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
As a woman, and a grower, in a non-medical state, I would be pissed if my b/f went around talking about mj with everyone he meets. Too easy to draw unwanted attention leading back to the grow.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be pro-active, I'm just saying you should be smart at how you go about it ;)


Well-Known Member do what your chick says and wise the fuck up before LEO comes knocking

or i before i come knock your chick knockers


Well-Known Member
In her defense...

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Well-Known Member
I usually only share my views with family and friends.. The part that bothers me the most is that she has no problem asking for bud to go smoke with her girl friends, but God forbid I try to get her to watch some real interesting documentaries on mj, "Marijuana Nation" (National Geographic HD documentary.

I can't get rid of her, we have been together longer than most married couples stay married. She thinks I am obsessed with mj, it's cultivation, and the legal movement to get it legalized for medical purposes. And I guess I kind of am, but not to the point where I don't take care of my responsibilities, ie, work/school/family. She even got on my case about how everytime she looks at my monitor RIU is up. Shit, at least I don't waste my time on myspace or face book like SHE does. At least I am learning something, what is she learning other than what so and so did this morning and all the other insanely lame shit people talk about on those sites.

I just want her to give me a few months, and I'll get this out of my system. Hopefully a compromise can be made =/


Well-Known Member
Try your hardest to not talk to her about it..and certainly don't ask her to watch any documentaries


Tell her everything you just said


Well-Known Member
dude, this sounds like me and my ex. Only I was all about cars. We broke up for stupid reasons.

Let me just say, this small problem, can easily be pushed to bigger problems. Its fuckin stupid. If you truly love her and wanna be with her, then just settle it down a bit. Keep it to your friends and don't even mention it around her. Dont spend most of your free time on RIU or what not. Save your relationship from a stupid breakup like mine.


Well-Known Member
Well she kinda said no growing, which given the current situation, theres these two little white widow and a violator kush baby girls that are going to just as upset as I am.. but I solved that problem with a little help from a friend. ;-)

Thanks though, i get what shes saying. She just wants me to divert more time to hittin the poon and school work and less time typing shit about her on RIU, like this.

This place is silly addictive though.. Reminds me of the chemistry boards I used to frequent.


Well-Known Member
chemistry boards? Jesus man, now that i see it, look at your name, and your avatar...haha you nerd...Kidding kidding! I cant even pass Algebra lol

Good choice, i think chillin on RIU should be fine, i mean, if she complains about that then its wack. You already moved your plants and everything.

So you gonna have a grow journal going on?


Well-Known Member
can you still smoke........if so there is a time and place for everything dont try and push your views on others
What he said smoke it no need to preach it . . . pot is one of the only things that get smoked despite a $0000 advertising budget . . .:peace: