My girls need help!!!!


Active Member
sorry guys, those four plants are all dead. they are krush. I water them once a week. it just happened four days later after I water them. I use heavy harvest summer before I water them. I treat all ten plants same way. the rest six are fine now. I'm really confuse.


Well-Known Member
Looks like root rot.

Rot's off the roots & the plant dies from thurst.

I'll bet you can just pull those plants right from the dirt (like there were no roots at all). Try it, if they come right out, root rot



Well-Known Member
yeah it looks like ether root rot or over or under watering you should only water when the soil is drying out and do you have any knowleg of root aphides or any other bugs cause i had a few plants start to show what looked like a N diff and a few days later they started to look just like yours do all droopy and like they were over or under watered and it turned out to be root aphides and they distroyed almost half my crop but good luck man let me know how it turns out


Active Member
try to drain out all the water from there and then re-plant it. those girls need some fresh soil that is not full of rot. that might save them. i do that with my basil and it worked just fine. and use pots that have draining holes at the bottom because the rot happens when the water is sitting in the soil.


Active Member
Thanks guys, yes, It's root rot. I pull them out and they don't have roots at all. I think that I water them too often. You guys are great. thanks.