My Grow Journal - Indoors to Sacs


Active Member
I germinated and planted three bagseeds last Monday, the 23rd.

Day 7

Two of the plants have sprouted. One was knocked over but I added more potting soil and it may be alright. The other should sprout soon (I hope.)

Sprout #1

Sprout #2 (this one looks better)

Does this sprout look healthy? The stem is that normal?


Well-Known Member
yo my setup looked almost exactly the same before i transferred to outside. have any pictures of the plants now? have they been making any progress?


sorry, didnt know how to post my own question. so if some one could tell me how that would be great. but i have 2 plants that i started a wile ago (didnt right it down) and ive had them on 12/12 for about 6,7 days now. they are both just some seeds i pulled outa my stress... and the bigger one looks like its doen somethin, i was just wonderen if someone knows if its gunna be a boy or a girl or if its too early to tell?..... (now ima try to figure out how to put piks.....)
