'My Hands Are Too Big..'


Well-Known Member
says trump during a visit to Houston..seems he was passing food out..no one paying him a bit of mind..when he blurts out of fucking nowhere 'my hands are too big'..what a fucking retard..are you THAT desperate for attention?:lol:

How do the men of RIU rate against trumps hands? YOU decide..

"Look at this great turnout! look at all these people!" "Have you seen our ratings lately!"


Well-Known Member
I liked modest women before I got married
There's a bit to chew on there, or am I just imagining it? There are a few different ways that statement could be taken. It's sort of like "May you live in interesting times" which can be taken as a blessing or a curse. How did you mean it, if I may be so bold as to ask? I'm baked. It was probably just a simple statement of fact.