My Hidden Corner London


Active Member
Hi just wanted to show my plants, I have grown them in two mini green houses, I think they should be ready to chop in 2/3 is blue cheese the other is citrus....

I have really put in little or no effort except for a 1/2 pint of water from the tap every day, minimal horticulturalist effort is def the way forward.:weed:



Active Member
cheers guys... any suggestions how long to harvest do you think my 2/3 weeks is along the right lines?


Well-Known Member
don't quote me, but I think that all depends on the color of the trichromes. Take a look around the site, and you'll definitely find the info you need. I remember reading several threads on when it's the proper time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Hi widride, followed your link from the "social group", great to see another local ;) Your plants look awesome mate, good job and Rep+. I'd say you got a ways to go yet, maybe four or five weeks, but I'm not an expert by any means as I'm only coming to the end of my first grow myself. The length of the flowering period will depend pretty much on the strain. You should definitely check out some info on trichromes as they will tell you when's best to chop as regards what kind of high you want to get. Keep up the good work ;)


Active Member
Cool, cheers guys had a good look around the site, loads of info on the old harvest time issues some contradict each other but I guess just look at the color and when it feels right it probably is, mind you I am gagging to try some out...


Active Member
LOL - know how you feel man, it's hard to resist. In fact I think I'll go and pinch another flower off one of my Cinammons and get it in the oven .... There'll be nothing left for me to harvest at this rate :o

Look on this page of Barking Mad's journal Some good stuff there ...
When you do pinch a flower how do you dry quick? just got back from the pub and could really do with a j now!!!


Well-Known Member
When you do pinch a flower how do you dry quick? just got back from the pub and could really do with a j now!!!
How I do it is pop it in the oven (if you have a fan oven seems to work very well) and turn it on really low, like about 25 degrees. Five minutes, or a little longer should do it if it's a small piece. Just check it so it doesnt crisp up and fall apart. Don't know if this is a very sensible way to do it but it works for me.


Active Member
How I do it is pop it in the oven (if you have a fan oven seems to work very well) and turn it on really low, like about 25 degrees. Five minutes, or a little longer should do it if it's a small piece. Just check it so it doesnt crisp up and fall apart. Don't know if this is a very sensible way to do it but it works for me.
cheers will try that at the weekend as seem to have no or little will power


Well-Known Member
hi widride, i've done the oven method myself. just slapped em on some tin foil, low heat and leave the door a jar. may not be as good as a lengthy cure but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do... when he needs a smoke. :weed:


Active Member
thanks have turned into a proud dad,

will be sampling tomorrow let you guys know which technique I find best... what temp will the THC burn off?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
There's a method called mull plate in the growfaq,seems least damaging.I think it burns at 300 or so?350?Not sure.
thanks have turned into a proud dad,

will be sampling tomorrow let you guys know which technique I find best... what temp will the THC burn off?


Active Member
It worked I used the oven technique cropped buds and leaves whacked then in the oven for ten mins on an extra low the hole dinner party nicely toasted. They tasted great but def need to wait a few weeks before harvest, thanks for all the advice chaps.


Well-Known Member
Nice very similar set up and stage of growing to me, also London UK!

Last few days have been bright clear skies, hope it continues...good luck!