My Latest Grow


Well-Known Member
As my grow medium, I use FoxFarms Ocean Forest straight out of the bag with nothing else added. I know a lot of people who use Ocean Forest like supplementing it with Perlite or Light Warrior, but I've never had any problems with it as-is and have not found it to be necessary. As for nutrients, I primarily stick with the FoxFarms product line. For my vegetative phase, I use GrowBig and BigBloom supplemented with SuperThrive and Hygrozyme. For my flowering phase, I use TigerBloom and BigBloom supplemented with Hygrozyme, along with Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching. I do a flush with RO water supplemented with Clearex one week before I begin the 12/12 light cycle, and once again 2 weeks prior to harvest.
Sweet I use the same FF stuff...
Question for you when do u start using your open sesame.
and do u combine the o/s with the Beastie? if so when is that..
Im askin cause im on my first serious grow and 2nd grow ever, so i decited to go with all FF products like yourself
If you could give me a brief layout that would make my day.Only with the os,bb and cha.


Well-Known Member
WHAT UP ROLLA!!! Thanks for checking out my post and helping me out,

after looking at your grow, it just makes me trust the information you provided me with, even more. And as said, im in you debtkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
dude wtf have you been man... Im missing the updates..we were suppose to be side by side lol...

Hows everything going?


Well-Known Member
Hi all... sorry about the delay in making some updates. I've been busy as hell the past 2 weeks and just haven't had the time to post updates and shit.

I've finished my 6 weeks of vegging and began the 12/12 flowering schedule this past Wednesday. Currently, my bitches are on day 4 of the flowering cycle and are already showing nice, white, wispy hairs. I'm using all fem seeds, so I knew they would be female, but it's nice to see the physical proof :-D

So far I couldn't be happier with the way things are going. My flowering nutrient solution consists of Fox Farms Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and Open Sesame along with Hygrozyme and SuperThrive. I'm roughly following the FoxFarms feeding schedule, so I'll be switching from Open Sesame to BeastieBloomz, and finally Cha Ching as harvest time approaches. I'm also going to be adding PurpleMaxx and Gravity in the next 2 weeks, so we'll see how that goes.

Check out the updated pics. I use my Moto Razr to take the pics so they are not that great, but you get the idea (the last pic was taken with my partners iPhone so it's better quality :-D As always, questions, comments, and +reps are welcome!



Well-Known Member
When did u start using Grow Big?
I started using GrowBig the 3rd week of vegging. I'm roughly following the FoxFarms feeding schedule with some minor changes and additions. Right now my feeding is based on the week 5 routine. If you use that feeding schedule as you guide you can't go wrong. Just keep in mind that it is a guide and not the word of God. You need to adjust the strength of your nutes by the reactions of the plants. Don't use the strengths they list on the schedule just because it says to. I always start with a 1/2 strength concentration then adjust it based on how my plants react.


Well-Known Member
looks great rolla inspiring! i have the same nutes for my grow! how much u expectin to yield off them ladies?
Whatsup bro... I'm looking to yield between 1.5-2lbs for this crop. One of the goals of this grow was to develop mother plants for future cloning. I initially started out with 5 of each of the three strains and have culled it down to 12. I then selected the two best plants from each strain and took a cutting from each of them. Those clones are now rooting in rockwool and will become the mother plants for future propagation. All the new clones I take from these mother plants will go into a 24-site multiflow system under 3000w of HPS, allowing me to harvest about 3lbs every 30 days. I love weed :-D


Well-Known Member
I bought my lights and most of my equipment from HTG. In the future I will shop locally because the shipping costs were ridiculous. I found a great hydro shop 15min away from my house that stocks everything, and at prices that are as good or better than HTG, and without the extra shipping expense.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouraging words GStoke :-D I'll be posting updated photos next Saturday. These bitches are growing fast so I expect some substantial growth between now and then. My anticipated harvest date is Jan. 14, so not much time left.


Well-Known Member
I started using GrowBig the 3rd week of vegging. I'm roughly following the FoxFarms feeding schedule with some minor changes and additions. Right now my feeding is based on the week 5 routine. If you use that feeding schedule as you guide you can't go wrong. Just keep in mind that it is a guide and not the word of God. You need to adjust the strength of your nutes by the reactions of the plants. Don't use the strengths they list on the schedule just because it says to. I always start with a 1/2 strength concentration then adjust it based on how my plants react.
Yea im noticing that u do have to watch your plants to see what they what. That never made sense to me up untill i started using FF.
So week 3, ok sounds good. another thing, Do u ever end up using the full dose on any of the FF products, Im asking b/c im using 1tbl of BB and 1tea of GB right now.Week There looking good, But again it looks like i might end up using 3-4Tbl of BB and or 1-2Tea of GB. Is that what you ended up doing? And do u premix your nutes days ahead?


Well-Known Member
Yea im noticing that u do have to watch your plants to see what they what. That never made sense to me up untill i started using FF.
So week 3, ok sounds good. another thing, Do u ever end up using the full dose on any of the FF products, Im asking b/c im using 1tbl of BB and 1tea of GB right now.Week There looking good, But again it looks like i might end up using 3-4Tbl of BB and or 1-2Tea of GB. Is that what you ended up doing? And do u premix your nutes days ahead?
During the vegging phase I used 2TBSP of BigBloom and 1tsp of GrowBig per gallon at every watering. For my plants I found this to be the most effective ratio. If you are using 1tsp of GB and 1TBSP of BB now, and your plants are healthy and not showing any signs of deficiency or nute burn, you can carefully increase the doseage a bit. Since the GB contains the majority of your macronutrients (NPK), try bumping your formula up to 2TBSP of BB and 1.5tsp of GB and see how the plants react. I'm always cautious and tend to err on the light side. I've found that deficiencies are much easier to remedy than nute burn is.

Regarding the mixing of the nutes, I never mix them the day before. I make each plants gallon of solution to order, immediately prior to dosing them. Also, I never let the concentrates mix together without diluting them. There's a warning about this on the labels. I'll start with an empy gallon container, add 2 drops of SuperThrive, 2tsp of Hygrozyme, and the BigBloom. Then I fill the container half-full with RO water and shake it up to dissolve and mix. Once that's mixed together, I add the GrowBig and top it off with more RO water. After its all mixed together, I check the pH and adjust it to 6.4. My methodology may be unnecessarily cautious and precise, but that's just my OCD kicking in :-D


Well-Known Member
i got my stuff from htg too and your right about the shippin! i got a spot close by but they cost way too much so i might as well pay the extra $50 shippin:(


Well-Known Member
Hey All...

I was going to wait until next Saturday to post updated pics, but these bitches are growing so quickly right now I decided to post one last update before Thanksgiving.

They're currently on Day 6 of the flowering cycle. I anticipate my harvest date to be Jan. 14 (based on 8wks of flowering). Obviously the exact date will depend on when they are actually at peak potency, but it's going to be right around Jan.14. Enjoy the pics and look for new updated photos this coming Saturday. I'm going out of town for the Holiday tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until Friday, so I can't wait to see how much they've grown in that time period :-D

