My Leaves have a wight Stuff on them


Active Member
My plants have some kind of wight stuuf on the leaves, I have 8 almost beautifull Plants and they are about 18 inches bushed out good, This problem just started about a week and a half ago there still in vegee stage they been growing for a month and 2 weeks I dont see and bugs any where I dont have a camera for pics any more my wife to most of my stuff and my kids when she left me and right now my Plants is all I really have so can some one please help? Oh There under a 400w Metal-Hailide and after I get this problem taken care of there going under a 400w HPS,
Thanks Alot


Well-Known Member
its hard to help without pics but if i could get its the begining of mold. is it a white residue on your leafs? like a powdery substance. this happened to me last grow. but i was 8 weeks into flower so it wasn a big deal. but if im right its the beginning stages of mold so try and find a insecticde or sumthing like that


Well-Known Member
my leaves recently had some white stuff 'em also. i'm not sure if it's the same as your case, but i looked REALLY carefully and thought i saw a spec of dust moving on one of the leaves. i inspected it with a microscope and it turns out i had thrips. if you think you might have bugs i'd look very very very carefully because I really almost dismissed the bug as some sawdust. its amazing that under a microscope that little piece of dust was actually a plump looking thrip.


Well-Known Member
spidermites can be white and they're tiny, check underneath yoour leaves and look for black and whitespecs moving around


Well-Known Member
what can someone use to get ride or prevent most of these pests such as spider mites and thirps? annd do thirpd or spider mites jump around?


Well-Known Member
I've only had spider mites once. I caught them early, before they made any webbing - still, they were a huge pain in the ass to get rid of. Does your white stuff look at all like fine webs? Hopefully not. If not, maybe it's just powdery mildew... which sort of looks like it's name implies - powdery white splotches. It's pretty easy to get rid of. A product called Serenade has always worked great for me.


Well-Known Member
Could be the start of powder residue you need sulphur burner or whipe the leaves with a damp sponge and put straight so fan drys them fast.


Active Member
I think the white stuff was some kind of build up, I washed it of all my leaves kept the temp ove 76 F mostly around the 80's F and stoped misting them for a wile and the white stuff never came back but three of my plants looks over fertilized I flushed them out a few days ago and I just giving them water there starting to look better thanks for all your help guys, I just started 7 clone to day last time I tried to clone white hairs came out of the top of the soil, is that part of the roots or is that some kind of mold or some thing like that?