My legs just want to move/ flinching


Active Member
What is a good way of getting those ol' flinchy legs all hopped up on thc out of you? Sometimes when i get too high, my legs just want to move and clench. Its impossible to sleep even though ill be tired? Any suggestions would be appreciated,,


Well-Known Member
You might have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) I have it and it sucks the medication Requip works great.


Well-Known Member
I've got a grove/hole in the carpet under my desk where I rock my foot from side to side, on the heel because it needs to move when I get high.

let them dance their own music mate :D


Well-Known Member
I've had happy feet (restless leg syndrome) for years.... sucks big tim.. I was using flexoril for that, but a good couch lock weed is better..don't feel shitty next day..


Well-Known Member
Imagine so.... If your body can piss you off, it will.... more so as you age...
Fuck me, if I don't wake up with a new lump, bump or hump... I think I'm dead..


Well-Known Member
Imagine so.... If your body can piss you off, it will.... more so as you age...
Fuck me, if I don't wake up with a new lump, bump or hump... I think I'm dead..
No doubt.

Yeah, and even if you wake up without any pains and shit, your cataracts or hemorrhoids or some other shit acts up. lol

I believe this. Never knock old age it's a privilege denied many.