My life depends on your answer !!please help me

hi first sorry for my terrible English i have trouble on my weed plant . its 5 month old and fan leaves are droop . plant growth stunned . recently on new growth show red or brown spot like boron deficiency. the leaves are turn dark blue and lower leaves has some necrosis . the plant sex still not determined !! light is 250 MH and 1 foot away from canopy . RH is 70-80 % and tempereture 77-78 . i flushed and fed it with NPK 20-20-20-trace elements with 800 PPM .over watered ? lack of nutrients ? is there any chance to be a female plant ? i must proof mysef with this plant please help me :neutral:



Well-Known Member
5 months I would Say Root Bound Issues. Transplant into a 5gal pot. since im 1st with the sexii'est answer I demand +rep from the entire RIU community.


Well-Known Member
Damnit than I fail. looks smaller compared to plant :) Still 5 months is a long time.. you sure its not rootbound?


Active Member
thats not a 5 gallon pot unless that plant is 12 foot PUT IT IN A BIGGER are way to big for that jiffy starter pot your in.get a 5 gallon bucket and put it in


Active Member
I'd say that root bout does not exist, really. Id add more Light, what light is that?
you dont believe in rootbound? like it dosnt exist? and your a veteran? are you serious? of course plants become rootbound as roots need to travel to compensate height and weight of the foliage.I have a root bound house plant right now thats about to die do to being root bound.