My mother does my laundry and my shirts smells...


Well-Known Member
i looks to me kinda like people hating what they dont understand. everyone has a different Mom, obviously. I had a friend that would tell his mother to 'shut the fuck up' and she would storm away and go do laundry. We were about 15 years old, and i could not beleive how he talked to her. He thought it was no big deal and laughed. so what could i do? I was just nice as HELL to hhis mom all the time cuz i felt bad for her. She had 2 sons and a daughter. the father left the family and the sons took over at ages 12 and 15. Not 'took over' in a literal sense but when you look back on situations like that you see that its just natural sometimes. women are giving, men are demanding. Sometimes situations get to extremes and its really no ones fault.

Wow im getting a little fuckin deep here. Im not saying this applies to anyone in particular, but sometimes Mothers feel 'right' when giving to their family. ESPECIALLY children. sometimes situations drive mothers to be 'too' caring and giving in other peoples perspectives.but theres usually a reason for it. thats how i see it.

oh and my mom did my laundry untill i moved out. now, my wife usually does it. i try and help out, but c'mon, if someone offers??? you GOD DAMN right im going to accept :)


Well-Known Member
all i can say is, this person asked a perfectly ok question and if you are seriously useless enough, and ego deprived enough to make rude comments liek this, you shouldnt be growing pot cuase your an idiot lol.

i said i was gone but i couldn't hold back....i must have forgot how much growing weed relates to doing apologies.


Active Member
all i can say is, this person asked a perfectly ok question and if you are seriously useless enough, and ego deprived enough to make rude comments liek this, you shouldnt be growing pot cuase your an idiot lol.

i said i was gone but i couldn't hold back....i must have forgot how much growing weed relates to doing apologies.

I think what was meant is that pot is supposed to be used as a method of relief from stress and anxiety and why should someone be able to smoke it for those reasons only to berate a fellow user? That's not so cool in my book.


Well-Known Member
If your mom was still willing to do YOUR laundry would you really say "No, mom, please don't, I'd much rather do it myself."

Pffffft, if you say yes you're a LIAR! Or insane. I hate laundry.


Well-Known Member
well OBVIOUSLY this person already explained the entire situation if you would actually read the other posts before replying. now whos the lazy one...


Well-Known Member
well obviously this person lives in a apartment and MOM does the laundry?
I know lots of college students who come home on weekends and their mother's do their laundry.

Actually, me and my brothers all still go to our mom when we need something hemmed, or if there's a stain you can't get out. Because she's that good, and we know she doesn't mind. Is there something wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
I know lots of college students who come home on weekends and their mother's do their laundry.

Actually, me and my brothers all still go to our mom when we need something hemmed, or if there's a stain you can't get out. Because she's that good, and we know she doesn't mind. Is there something wrong with that?
well not exactly but were talking about laundry here i mean like...yea haha


Well-Known Member
If your mom was willing to do your laundry, you wouldn't let her? You don't have anything you'd rather be doing than laundry? Cuz laundry sucks.
haha no cuz she doesnt come ovr and she's stoner haha i live in a house by myself with dogs, cats, and my plants there not gunna do the laundry i kno that..hahaha:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I didn't ask why your mom DOESN'T do your laundry, I asked if she offered. So if your mom was down to come over and just do your laundry, you'd be like "No Mom, I WANT to do it!"

lol, the fact that people are even arguing over this is kinda silly...


Well-Known Member
I didn't ask why your mom DOESN'T do your laundry, I asked if she offered. So if your mom was down to come over and just do your laundry, you'd be like "No Mom, I WANT to do it!"

lol, the fact that people are even arguing over this is kinda silly...
i wouldnt want my mom 2 cuz its disturbing and ever since i moved out 5 years ago i havnt been really in touch with her soo yea


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt want my mom 2 cuz its disturbing and ever since i moved out 5 years ago i havnt been really in touch with her soo yea
Well see, your situation with your mom is entirely different from this guy's with his, obviously.

So the fact that your mom doesn't do your laundry really has no baring on his situation, because you guys obviously have different relationships with your mothers.

I love my mama.


Well-Known Member
Well see, your situation with your mom is entirely different from this guy's with his, obviously.

So the fact that your mom doesn't do your laundry really has no baring on his situation, because you guys obviously have different relationships with your mothers.

I love my mama.
i started washing my own clothes wen i wuz i love my mom too


Well-Known Member
i started washing my own clothes wen i wuz i love my mom too
I started washing not just my own laundry, but everyone's laundry when I was in 4th grade :grin:

Laundry was one of my main chores as a kid. It's probably why I hate laundry so much now.