My New Grow Room advice!

Hey guys,

Looking to begin my first grow towards the end of this week and at this stage trying
to gather as much information that may make my journey that bit more steady. In regards
to grow tents here's the tent that I recently purchased from, and I was hoping
somebody could tell me how many plants this kind of space would allow me to grow. I initially
thought around 1-4 but as a first timer I could be way off. any thoughts or advice on making use
of small grow areas like this one?

A big thank you in advance!


Big Sky

the best yields you will get is going to depend on a few factors- grow style and genetics -
hydro will yield much more- but soil will have the organic feel and taste, good quality-
but if it was my space i would do one of two things-
either 4 DWC 5 gal buckets or do a 2x2 flood table and ebb and flow system-
thats going to be your biggest yield for the space-

have you purchased any lighting for your area yet?
id go 600w hps air cooled reflector with a quantum digital ballast-
hydrofarm/active air fans-
4" intake - 6" exhaust-

if you want to go cheap fast hydro 5 gal DWC are easy as it really gets and yields are outstanding-
in that space with a 600w on 4 plants in would only have to veg 2-3 weeks then flower-
fast harvests-
good yields-
thanks for the feedback, as for lighting i've got a 65w CFL light for the seedling stage which i'll switch to a 400w M.H once vegetation begins and a 400w sodium bulb for the flowering period.
Have you checked out LST methods yet? So far it's been a pretty safe and manageable way for me to learn on my first grow and I'd highly recommend it. There are hundreds of great examples all through the forums.