My official grow thread! With pics!


Well-Known Member
I think you are confusing Tbsp (tablespoons) with Tsp (teaspoons) anyway...I know growing your first cannabis plant is very exciting. But, your plants are still in seedling stage and so far you have had fungus gnats, stunted growth, over-feeding, are talking about topping and LST...dude, calm down. Nothing has killed more plants than over-zealous and under-educated parents 'loving them to death'.

You are a member of one of the best cultivation forums on the WWW. PLEASE take time to use the wealth of information to be found here. Like everyone else I was at one point a new and overly anxious and excited grower. But, I took took time to read and learn for a couple of months before popping my first seed. The benefit of doing so was immeasurable. The plant in my avatar is my first ever plant, I harvested almost 2 oz. dry weight. YOU TOO can cultivate cannabis...anyone can put a seed in some dirt and grow some weed...if that is what you want then you are doing ok. BUT, if you truly want to cultivate the best product you can...there is NO substitute for knowledge.
6tsp is 3tbs I believe. I calculated it out on a calculator but I may be wrong. I'm looking for the best I can. I took care of the gnat problem luckily. This website is mainly where I get all my info to include YouTube. Cali Green is a good guy I watched a ton of his videos. I'll post pics tomorrow that I took today. The stems are getting fatter and the small leaves on the bases of the stem and nodes and getting bigger. Sorry to sound like a complete asshat noob. All of us are noobs at one point. I appreciate everyone's constructive criticism. Truly thank you guys and I look forward to y'all following my grow!!


Well-Known Member
Looked on the diagnosis page......thing one of my girls got heat burn? Maybe from the LEDS and my fan was off. Forgot to turn the fan on.....some of her leaves and curled up and almost dry looking. I turned the fan back on and gave my plants a little water. On other notes my OG kush plant sprouted! I have it in some miracle grow herb and vegetable soil. Sitting outside. Probably going to stay outside


Well-Known Member
Looked on the diagnosis page......thing one of my girls got heat burn? Maybe from the LEDS and my fan was off. Forgot to turn the fan on.....some of her leaves and curled up and almost dry looking. I turned the fan back on and gave my plants a little water. On other notes my OG kush plant sprouted! I have it in some miracle grow herb and vegetable soil. Sitting outside. Probably going to stay outside
If you come across new problems Ed, post new pictures of said problem.

If you put a plant outside, I suggest keep it outside. You don't want uninvited critters in your grow area and going from out to in is a good way to get em.



Well-Known Member
If you come across new problems Ed, post new pictures of said problem.

If you put a plant outside, I suggest keep it outside. You don't want uninvited critters in your grow area and going from out to in is a good way to get em.

I'll post pics when I get back to my computer!! I will do that thanks! That plant will be staying outback then. I can kind of hide it behind my AC unit. That plants getting topped and stuff anyways so I'm not to worried.


Well-Known Member
ok guys need help! It looks like nitrogen tox to me.....and i was going to flush but it says overwatering only makes it worse! FML.



Well-Known Member
I also raise my light. It is now 15in above the soil. Am i supposed the measure from the top of the plant? Or the top of the soil?



Well-Known Member
Hmmm, real head scratcher here, not quite sure what's wrong with them, maybe replant them in separate pots in fresh soil? I dunno, again I run coco so not sure how the whole soil thing goes? You should ask in the soil growers thread they can probably help ya out:peace:

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
6tsp is 3tbs I believe. I calculated it out on a calculator but I may be wrong. I'm looking for the best I can. I took care of the gnat problem luckily. This website is mainly where I get all my info to include YouTube. Cali Green is a good guy I watched a ton of his videos. I'll post pics tomorrow that I took today. The stems are getting fatter and the small leaves on the bases of the stem and nodes and getting bigger. Sorry to sound like a complete asshat noob. All of us are noobs at one point. I appreciate everyone's constructive criticism. Truly thank you guys and I look forward to y'all following my grow!!
6tsp is 2tbsp


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right. Just water them, nothing but water until they tell you otherwise. Which won't be until they're a bit bigger. Stop loving them so much! I can't help with the light cos I've no clue with the leds. Just chill out with them a bit man :peace:
Will do! Nothing but water!! I feel so bad! It's like my child is hurt and I can't help them lol. I will also throw all my nutes out and buy a teaspoon measuring cup. I also will start 1/4 of the serving and work my way up.... No more nutes until they need it!


Well-Known Member
On another note my OG kush is taking off! The seedling is almost 3/4-1in tall. All that in 1 day lol. Really loves the sun! NO NUTES for this guy