My outdoor 2012 grow. Pics.


Active Member
well it is official! There starting to BUD!!!!!!! Wooo hoooo. here is a few new pics. I cant wait Im on the home stretch finally. been soooo much work and I know its not done yet. ill still have 10+ pounds to trim in a couple months! Oh poor me hu? lol. Ok here is some pics. First is start of the sativa heavy flowers, 2- is indica,3-random sativa plant and 4-shot out my back door. enjoy, Killer.


Active Member
well hey everyone. I took those last pics last eve and today I spent a hour in the PISSING down rain tying branches up that were getting pummeled by the heaviest rain storm we have had in a long time. I went outside not knowing that plants in the rain go limp and branches and tops flop over and got horribly freaked out and grabbed a roll of twine and started tying,lol. Then found out it is perfectly normal for them to do that in the heavy rain cause if it stayed rigid shit would snap under weight of the rain water. Well there's my inexperience showing again. Well I'm building a cover over them this week to ensure this doesn't happen and so I can tie up bud heavy branches and not have to worry about bud rot as much. So I just thought I would share my stupid afternoon worrying for nothing AGAIN over my plants. They are going to give me a heart attack before I get to use any of my homegrown medicine,lol lol. tty all later,lol. killer.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
1st time seeing your thread and im very impressed. Nothing I love more than seeing a rookie with a greenthumb. Keep up the good work.:clap:


well it is official! There starting to BUD!!!!!!! Wooo hoooo. here is a few new pics. I cant wait Im on the home stretch finally. been soooo much work and I know its not done yet. ill still have 10+ pounds to trim in a couple months! Oh poor me hu? lol. Ok here is some pics. First is start of the sativa heavy flowers, 2- is indica,3-random sativa plant and 4-shot out my back door. enjoy, Killer.
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Yet again beautiful buddy! Mine starting budding about a week ago! HOME STRETCH :D


Active Member
Yet again beautiful buddy! Mine starting budding about a week ago! HOME STRETCH :D
Thx so much. peoples comments especially the good ones really helps build my confidence about my growing skills ( or luck). I second guess everything I do for the girls and without forums I would be lost,lol. thx for your support, killer.


Thx so much. peoples comments especially the good ones really helps build my confidence about my growing skills ( or luck). I second guess everything I do for the girls and without forums I would be lost,lol. thx for your support, killer.
No problem, your doing a amazing job!! And outdoor grows are so much easier, i hate growing inside cause all of the work and expense. You grew some monsters and should def be proud of that


Active Member
SO I rearranged my garden today and did my daily chores. I thought i would snap a pic for you all. growth has stopped budding is in full swing and im on the home stretch! Thank God! Its a lot of work when your disabled with severe pain as im sure ALOT of you know! Well back to my couch and a joint. Thx for looking in, Killer.


Well-Known Member
The hardest part is these next two months. If you think your nervous now, wait until they have 1-3 weeks left and you can actually see all of your hard work, in the form of big, sticky, smelly buds. It always seems catastrophe is just around the corner, and it may be, but your grow looks great and I'm sure you'll figure it out. Oh and the HARDEST part of it all(physically), is trimming it. But all the hard work will be worth it! Great plants and good luck.


Active Member
The hardest part is these next two months. If you think your nervous now, wait until they have 1-3 weeks left and you can actually see all of your hard work, in the form of big, sticky, smelly buds. It always seems catastrophe is just around the corner, and it may be, but your grow looks great and I'm sure you'll figure it out. Oh and the HARDEST part of it all(physically), is trimming it. But all the hard work will be worth it! Great plants and good luck.
ya trimming will be a bitch. I cant do much work with my arms in front of me. Dishes, laundry folding. rolling lots of joints,lol. that is the kind of stuff that throws me into major spasm.My hydro store friend has a electric trimmer. I'm going to try to rent it from him when the time is right. Its his personal machine so I'm hoping,lol. my biggest fear when I can see and touch and drool over my big ass tasty buds will be getting ripped off. I am looking for ways to booby trap and protect my yard as I'm writing this,lol. have a great night and Ill be back with a update soon. Good night all, killer.


Active Member
well I started the girls on there 2 week doses of flowering simulators and the first dose of carbo loader today with there water. Picked off a BUNCH of yellowing leaves from the sativa heavy strain. They just seem to eat up there fan leaves for energy at start of budding. They are not wanting more food as they are showing a bit of leaf curl on the new growth. So just water for a week unless they ask for food. The indicas seem to take all the food I can give them with no burn, curl or slightest bit of stress. So Ill keep them fed while I give sativas a break. Ok Ill post some more picks in a few days as the flowers come together. Be well and smoke lots everyone, killer.


Nice :) Forest is coming along nicely. And i agree with one of your posts, its HARD work!! Anyone who's grown knows! Cant wait to see more pictures, your going to have a hell of a time trimming!