My plans for growing outdoor this year![FRIST]


Active Member
Well i live in georgia right around the atlanta area, and i was planning on growing my bagseed all outdoors.

Here are my decisions:

1) Start some in my window and then plant outside

2) Put outside now

Those are my 2 options, i have a few spots to grow but they won't fit a lot of plants, so i was planning to all together grow about 20 -30 plants.

Anyyays i just wanted to know you guys opinions on when to plant outside and how to start them off, thanks!


Well-Known Member
First of all you need to train the plants to get used to the bright sunlight - or they will get burned and stunned for weeks. 1 hour of sun the first day - 2 hours day 2 - do this for 5-7 days (or something like this - doesn't need to be precise just think about it as a sunburn - let them get used to it slowly.

I would transplant them out, when suntrained - first week or so i would protect them with either a big bottle with the bottom cut of (resembling a small grow house) If too big you could use a plastic bag to give it some shelter the first days.

Plants will probably survive unprotected too, but they could easily be stunned for some time.