my plant has two main stalks and i was lsting them and it broke


theres a little split right inbetween the two main stalks it's not that bad but i dont want either arm to yellowoff it just happend yesterday and i put a staple around it and squeezed it with channel locks soo it will stay together will it heal


Well-Known Member
Yep, it'll heal right up, as long as you have it pinched together pretty good. They're tough plants. I've seen lots of guys use duct tape,lol and that even works good, so your solution will work fine. :)


Well-Known Member
LOL. I had a similar problem once, as I was raising my 6-bulb fluoro, and dropped one end on my babies. :shock: Flattened them bastards out, and they were about 16" at the time. A little string and some duct tape, fixed 'em right up. :lol: