My plants are in trouble!!!


Well-Known Member
one of my plants is hurting bad....The whole first and second set of leaves are a shriveled up and yellow on the ends with the third set of leaves still looking green. It is also really short.

I have another plant that has one leaf sort of curled with a yellow tip and I have another plant with a couple of brown spots. They are 3 weeks old (from germination) and are currently getting l.5 tbps / gallon of Botanicare PBP about every 2-3 days.

When I did some research, it turns out anything could be the problem (over/ underwatering, too much light, drastic climate changes, too much nutes, not enough nutes).

I have a 400w MH that is roughly 18inches above the plants. The indoor temp stays around 86 with the light on and 72 with the light off.

My pics are shitty but these are the best I can do right now....Any help would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I can almost guarantee that those plants got too much nutes... WAY too young to be feeding them, and feeding them way too often... Those babies only need to be fed likes once every other week depending on how frequent they get watered... I'd flush with regular water a few times in a row and make sure you flush all the nutes out... Also, your MH may be too close for how young your plants are... a common sign of heat damage is leaf tips curl under and the closer they are to the light the more they curl... if it's overfertilizing the oldest leaves usually (not always) get burnt looking tips and this will spread along to the newer growth....Be patient with watering and nutrients... it's a plant it takes months to fully grow! goodluck growing!


Well-Known Member
I thought PBP was gentle enough for seedlings.....But if you are right, then that would be false advertising....or perhaps I fed them too much....I don't know, it just sucks though,....three weeks in and now this...

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i would say andy is right on your soil should contain nutes to last the plant 2 weeks or more and start nutes low like 1 third the amount on the bottle and work it up as the plant gets older

Have a good grow and good luck


Well-Known Member
No problem...I should have probably stated of the drawbacks to posting stoned :mrgreen: