my plants are turning yellow?

i just planted 24 clones 2 days ago and my plants are starting to turn yellow and droop ,some of them are even curling at the end and to of them died right away pretty much . please HELP!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I would provide a little more information if you want help...

Planted them in what, with what, what is your PH, what did you feed them, what are your lights, etc...
I would provide a little more information if you want help...

Planted them in what, with what, what is your PH, what did you feed them, what are your lights, etc...
well my ph levle is 6.0 the soil is farm something cant remember and i have 3 600 watt mh . i only water them with reg water with a good ph level and a vitamiins-hormones solution . 15 of the 24 plants look great the other not so great


Well-Known Member
sounds like you burnt them with the nutrients. i'm guessing your growing with fox farm soil? if so there's more than enough nutrients to support a new clone without having to add anything but plain water for quite a while if you really wanted. i don't feed clones until a week after transplant so they can develop a decent root system. 6.0 is low for soil. bump it up to 6.5-7. maybe you handled them to roughly?

but i still think nute burn. how strong of a concentration did you use? did you make sure to ph the water AFTER you added nutes?


I have a 100 percent success rate with soft, lush clones. Woody, thin clones take me twice as long to root, and only a 75 percent success rate. I clone directly into BX Promix......and even using that mix (which has no nutes), I don't feed for at leat 2 weeks, and then only at a half rate or less.
well i actually used miracal gro and i tested all my levels for pkn and they were good and i do have new green groth on most of them. the water meeder does reed at a 4 and that is as wet as the meeder goes shows 1 is dry 4 is wet. theave are curly up and some down on the tip plus terning yellow


Well-Known Member

use a medium, instead of a soil, promix is great, or light warrior, which isn't very "hot"
of course over watering is never good, imo, for cuttings, check in with uncle ben, he has some solid techniques