My Plants dieing out


Well-Known Member
For the past week or so the plant as become progressing worse.

I have ripped off probably three leafs now and about the rip off the fourth.

The bottom leafs start turning yellow and burn curl up dry out and easily rip off.

Some of the higher leafs have a purplenis to them and the plant is light light green, compared to my other plant that is dark green.

The plant is in Fox farm ocean forest and has been feed Grow big. This picture was taken last night and today it has got even worse curled up dried out.

So any ideas as to what I am missing or what I need to do to fix this problem?


Well-Known Member
try flushing and not feeding it any neuts for mabey a week then slowly go back to the neuts at half of what ur giving and make sure u have enough nitrogen

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, check your ph, first. Mg deficiency can look kinda similar,and that comes from ph, and also hard water, causing nute lockout...are your leaves cupping? You can get a disposable soil ph tester at walmart,though fox farms is supposed to be good stuff. The soil ph kit tests also come with little vials to check your nute levels...use those, too. If your soil and nutes aren't the problem, then try feeding it 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salts per quart of water.
Make sure you water with ph 5.9 to 6.5 water,always check it after you add the nutes. If you get a tds meter, it shows you how many parts per million total dissolved solids are in your water. Anything 200 or above is pretty hard water, and could cause the lockout. Basically, the lower the ppm, the better hydrated the plant gets, the better nutrients are absorbed. If the water is not your problem, when in doubt, you can always flush with plain water,3x the amount of the container(so 3 gallons water for a 1 gallon pot) and wait and see how she does,making sure to stop the nutes till she recovers. These are just a few ideas of what it might be. I'm no expert.Hope your plant gets better.


Well-Known Member
Well, check your ph, first. Mg deficiency can look kinda similar,and that comes from ph, and also hard water, causing nute lockout...are your leaves cupping? You can get a disposable soil ph tester at walmart,though fox farms is supposed to be good stuff. The soil ph kit tests also come with little vials to check your nute levels...use those, too. If your soil and nutes aren't the problem, then try feeding it 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salts per quart of water.
Make sure you water with ph 5.9 to 6.5 water,always check it after you add the nutes. If you get a tds meter, it shows you how many parts per million total dissolved solids are in your water. Anything 200 or above is pretty hard water, and could cause the lockout. Basically, the lower the ppm, the better hydrated the plant gets, the better nutrients are absorbed. If the water is not your problem, when in doubt, you can always flush with plain water,3x the amount of the container(so 3 gallons water for a 1 gallon pot) and wait and see how she does,making sure to stop the nutes till she recovers. These are just a few ideas of what it might be. I'm no expert.Hope your plant gets better.
First off great post, you sound like a expert to me!

I water whenever the plant needs it.
It is in a 1 gallon Pot
I feed it every other or 2 waterings.

I'll give it a ph soil test in the morning, I am using distilled water and the p.h of that is 7. Maybe ph could be the problem.

If that happens to be the problem i'll do the flush, but wont the flush cause overwatering?

Also is this the item your talking about?

Thanks! +REP

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not an expert, just had mg def. in my plant, and it seems to be pretty common. I too, thought ph 7 was perfect, but apparently according to the growfaq, for soil you want 5.9 to 6.5...or slightly acidic. I was watering mine with ph 7,and I'll be darned if it didn't lock out the nutes for me and cause a mg def. I also had some problems due to soil with added nutes...but she's doing good now. That's my grow journal, there are pics there, but a lot of chatting too.
Yes, that's the tds meter I'm talking about. If you flush,it may droop a little, but it's a one time thing, not every watering. By flushing it, you're washing the roots, in a nutshell, and diluting the buildup of nutes,if it is nute burn. It doesn't sound like nute burn to me, but a flush isn't going to kill her. If you're doing all the same stuff to the other plant and it's fine,it could just be a weak plant. But I've noticed every plant is a little different. So test that stuff, but if you truly are worried that your plant won't make it long enough for you to test it, try a flush.Like I said, I'm no expert.Then watch her closely.You may still lose the bottom leaves, but if you fixed the problem, she'll just start to "look" better...and growth will resume. In the grow faq are pics of mg deficiency, and frankly it looks a little like a lot of the other problems. What i noticed with my plant was: It started at the bottom,growth slowed,the leaves were cupping (or folding like a taco), I had gray to brown spots on the affected bottom leaves, in between the veins,and the leaves became very crispy,starting at the tip and working back. They also went yellow. Twisty suggested mg, and he was right,but it's hard to diagnose with just one or two reference try googling the various deficiencies and see.
First off great post, you sound like a expert to me!

I water whenever the plant needs it.
It is in a 1 gallon Pot
I feed it every other or 2 waterings.

I'll give it a ph soil test in the morning, I am using distilled water and the p.h of that is 7. Maybe ph could be the problem.

If that happens to be the problem i'll do the flush, but wont the flush cause overwatering?

Also is this the item your talking about?

Thanks! +REP


Well-Known Member
Well I found the verdict, I used mosser lees soil testing kit and ran a test for nitrogen. And the levels are extremly high! This is probably what is causing the problem with all the leafs and what not.

Since the levels of nitrogen are so high is it still possiable of a MG deficiencies?


I had the exact same problem. What i decided to do was to empty my whole water tank and scrub any remaining nutes left in the tank. I then flushed my babies with normal tap water and filled my water tank with half strength nutrient solution.

Recently I have been watching them and they appear to fighting back strong by dramatically growing taller, more bushy and look healthy green!

Always remember to check the pH as that for me was critical to keep my plants healthy and strong, also many different strains require different pH level so you need to find the right level aswell as making sure you have the right nutrient measurements for your plant.

Have a look at my growroom pics.
Hope this helped! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Sounds good rollingjoints, hopefully the problem will be resolved with this flush.

Stoney I have another question(or anyone else there for that matter). I have a mother plant that is quite healthy and looks awesome, but I have noticed on the higher leafs and the top of the plant the very tip of the leafs hook downward, there are a few that do that on the middle leafs.

The bottom seems fine, is this something to be worried about? The bottom leafs seem fine, today was the first day I ripped off a leaf from the very very bottom.



First sign of overwatering bending tips, I also had this problem i watered them left to go work when i come back all my plants had bendy tips and were droopy. I decided to let them dry out completely for around 3-4 days and put my fan on a higher strength within 2 days they were back to normal :mrgreen:

I then rolled a joint :joint: and relaxed as my babies grew :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Just do a flush, then, and you should be golden.
Well I found the verdict, I used mosser lees soil testing kit and ran a test for nitrogen. And the levels are extremly high! This is probably what is causing the problem with all the leafs and what not.

Since the levels of nitrogen are so high is it still possiable of a MG deficiencies?


Well-Known Member
First sign of overwatering bending tips, I also had this problem i watered them left to go work when i come back all my plants had bendy tips and were droopy. I decided to let them dry out completely for around 3-4 days and put my fan on a higher strength within 2 days they were back to normal :mrgreen:

I then rolled a joint :joint: and relaxed as my babies grew :blsmoke:
Damn wish I would of read this sooner, I woke up and the leafs were droppy touching the soil so I watered more which probably didn't help.

I'll turn on the fan and let them perk, hopefully they will soon!