My plants is dying...plz help

WTF is wrong with her... she started these brown spots a couple days after I took 20 clones of of her...I never gave her nuts, she is 3 months old and grown in MiracleGrow in a 3 gl pot... i give her tap water.

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her stems are turning dark purple?? I think its a nut deficientcy.. can some of you guys help, thx!


Active Member
If its not a light/Nute burn and you know this because you haven't added any.... and You say you water with tap which should have a bunch of micro nutrients... and you have purple/red stems.... plus the dark splotches.... I still say phosphorus. Maybe a little of both p and K. Just go out and get some powder bloom nutes from miracle grow since your plants are already in it. I think its NPK is like 8-24-16. I'd add like a quarter full of the small tsp scoop it comes with to start off every other watering and ramp up until it stops completely.


Active Member
I agree phosphorous Adding more with only compound his problems as a flush is in order miracle grow very bad for salt buildupbut and ph inbalances this could be both think its due to miracle grow as he let pot dry out spiking ec/ ppm which could led to lock out use good liquid fert general hydroponics 3 part is great n easy to use n tweak to ur needs but mix half stenght n add flowern fert in minus from veg for added amount of flowering say 20%, h202 or even 3% hydrogen peroxide to avoid low o2 due to heavy rinsing 3 to1 gal medium 3 gal water never Plain water this change in osmosic pressure with cause root damage even death 5% solution for rinse if over fert is issue but it's salt build up in this case but don't add more of what u think it is mix solution n flush measure ppm of run off I'm guessn its way higher than input ppm/ec


Well-Known Member
check your ph. phosphorus seems the likely culprit, but with K or Mg involvement as posters suggest. to me, MG soil is a wild card.