My retard


Active Member
Newby gardener for the wifes new attempt for natural pain meds... OK, I have one retard outta six plants donated to the wife for her lil 215 garden. The one in question is purportedly a Redwood Kush? (live in NorCal). So... I transplanted it about 3 weeks ago when I got it. I got a whopping 2" :wall: or so growth out of her so far.. while the other very sativa plants grew leaps and bounds. I was told she started to bloom in June due to the storms and cloudy weather we had ohhh so much this early summer. That makes her at least a 3 month old plants and she is only 3 feet tall or so. She always had pre flowers on her since I got 'er.. noticed a few days ago she was definately in bloom again (dense cluster of hairs at tops).. slowly. Just like her veg growth. SLOOww. I used Miracle Grow soil. Now after reading up .. I know it was friggin dumb as hell to grow herb in MG. I will be smarter next year. I only water her when the top couple inches dry out. Maybe twice a week. Its in the 90's here.. suspect most the water is going in the thin air.

The plant is nice n green. Healthy minus much growth. Very green leaves. I did train/tie down her branches after transplant outward as you can see as the damn plant was a thick bush with no character.. haha. So my question is this.. the sativas are doing good MG. One plant has the buds growing noticibly everyday. In veg the others are doing a couple inches in growth a day. This plant aint going no where in pleanty of time. Is there anything I can do to help it along? Or am I expecting too much? Afraid to give her nutes w that MG in there and no growth happening. Do I have anything to look foward to in the way of growth or am I stuck with a retard for life? Do you think I should rip it out and put her in some fox farms or ? at this late in the year?



Well-Known Member
Feed/water right before it drys completely. Dont overfeed, dont top, dont clone, dont tip over, dont underfeed, dont let spider mites get to them. Goodluck


Active Member
Here is what she looks like today.. about 6 weeks into flower. got worms, sprayed bt safer, got bud rot and had to chop one branch. Growing some fat buds. Couple more weeks and I suspect she will fall.

retard 6 to 7 weeks flower.jpg