My room is 16x8x8 I have 3 1000 watt raptors how many plants can I grow


Active Member
I would like to know how high I should keep my lights I have air going through the hoods, I'm at 12/12 and plenty of fresh air and 2 fans, also should I keep the carbon filter running at sleep and should I run the fan at sleep this my first grow would appreciate some advice


Well-Known Member
I would like to know how high I should keep my lights. I have air going through the hoods. I'm at 12/12.

Is this what you are asking?

I will let those using 1000W lights make a better response, but
am I correct in thinking that the floor area is 8' X 16'

...or is the ceiling 16' high?

I may stand corrected, but even three 1000s might be less
than 8' X 16' might need.

Just trying to clarify the matter.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
if your floor area is 8 x 16, to start you will need more lights... i would say double stacked along the 8 foot way so 4 is def covered and 4 the other way... so in total you would need... 8 (1000 watt lights to optomise everything)... So it would look like this...

! !
! X X X X !
! !
! !
! X X X X !
! !

X's are the lights, using the optimal 4x4 foot light area's.

Side note :Invest in a good air conditioner for this, in almost any climate south of mason dixon, this area will be a fucking dessert without one. I would recommend a good 8,000 or 10,000 btu


Well-Known Member
dis reguard that picture, it looked the way it needed to before it was modified for posting... fml


Well-Known Member
i run 3x1000's and a 400 in a 8x6.....pumping co2 so i need the lumens. anyway keep them as close as you can without damaging the plant or until the plant feels heat. with enough air flow you can get pretty close, i'm usually hovering around 12" but when i max out some colas get up to 8" away at the opposite end from the lamp.


Well-Known Member
Hey Snake, I think that your map was ruined by the variable width font
that this site uses as a default.

When I post an ASCII map, I select a fixed width font, Courier New.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
dude your first grow your going pretty huge. its awesome i mean go big or go home but i have 3 yrs outdoor experience and have been studying hard here on RIU and im still starting with a 5x5x84inches and 2 600Ws.

BUTTT as the others said your gonna need more light to maximize that space however you can definitely just set up your 3 1000ws and and use about 60% of your tent space (you can fill the rest with income from first harvest) and with 3000W id say you could comfortably do about 30-40 plants.

Keep in mind you usually want 50watts/Sqft to sufficiently light the tent and you want like 60-100W per plant.

gonna be huge when your all set up tho, what strains u gonna run?
I got 4 plants 3.5 -5 Feet tall under my 1000w some branches are 8 inches away from bottom of hood. my room has good air intake and out though I also keep all vents and fans running during sleep depending on temps