My Second Try of the Year!


Active Member
Hello girls and guys, I hope everyone is doing well. I'm fairly new to all this growing sensation so I apologize if what you see looks crappy, but I'm really excited about growing and smoking. A few weeks ago I bought some fem-shortryder seeds and I germinated one of them and saved the others. However, from what I've been reading here and in different forums, it is a bit difficult to get a high yield without a proper set-up. My set-up is clearly not that good, but that's mostly because it would cost me the money that I don't have (I need to stay in my budget). So, I have a couple of 6500k CFL lights going on and the plant seems to be doing well. I water the plant once or twice a day, it depends on how the soil feels to my fingers and to what the moisture meter tells me. So far I haven't over-water it or anything like that. Although I believe it is a female, the Ph levels worries me a bit. It is a tad over 7. But I can't find the proper products to lower it. Anyway, I won't bored people by telling all the details, but I do would like to see some comments on the pictures and maybe some suggestions if you feel like it is necessary.

By the way, I'm using an automatic light timer (if that's how you call those devices), and it is set-up for 20 hours of light, and 4 without. I'm thinking on changing it to 18/6. I know it is an autoflower, but just for the heck of it....why not?

Take a look at the pics and comment.



Active Member
looks good starting to bush out got some good side branching goin on there!!! get all the experience you can get read all the forums learn about problems before they happen i am currently on my first serious grow where i done alot of research and its starting to pay off!! good luck and keep us posted ill keep an eye out on the updates


Active Member
Hey guys thank you for replying to my post. I wasn't expecting a reply after all. Haha. CG, you have quite the set-up man, I wish I could be somewhere close to you and give you hand if you ever need it. Anyway, my shortryder seems to be doing great. I was wondering if any of you guys have a recommendation for which fertilizer I should use. As it right now I have a 11-22-10 fertilizer and I haven't apply it to the plant yet, but if there is a better option out there I would like to get that. I first used that fertilizer for an AK that I was growing, but it turned out to be a very very healthy male. I forgot to mention in my first post that after germination the seed when onto that blue 3 gallon bucket on Jul. 2. However, something that bothers me a little bit is the fact that I'm using a bit less than 2 gallons of soil. But as you see the plant has been growing quite fast. Here are some more pics.




Active Member
im not to sure about the size of the pots you may need to upgrade if you let it veg for much longer but i would get someone more experienced on that topic im in the same boat my bucket is 4 gallons at the most but i'm 2 weeks in flower now might squeeze it in hopefully.....!! yours is lookin healthy though


Active Member
if it is maybe a magnesium or nitrogen deficiency possibly... for magnesium you can use a very small amount of Epsom salt like half tsp, and use fertilizer for nitrogen not to experienced on nutrients but higher N for veg, and for flower higher P/K... hope it helps im sure you will get some better advice soon!!

collective gardener

Well-Known Member

Yeah, I wish I had some more people passionate about growing to help out with our op...especially the trimming.

As far as feeding goes, you may want to invest in a complete hydroponic mix to feed your plants with. 2 inexpensive, but very high quality nutes are General Hydroponics 3 part, and Cutting Edge 3 part. I used GH for almost 20 years without ever having a nutrient problem. We currently use Cutting Edge because our strains seem to prefer it slightly over GH. For less than 40 bucks you can get a quart of each of the 3 parts. For your size grow they will last a long LONG time. Good luck, keep it simple, and never change anything that is working for you.


Active Member
Well, it's been a month since I planted my s.ryder. I think it is growing quite fast and hopefully, by the end of this month I will be having some results. I took some pictures and you can compare it to how it was just a few days ago and I think you can tell the difference. I'm planning on moving the top light and place it in the side, but I'm debating if I should just get a new light. Anyway, what you guys think? It is a female for sure and it just keeps growing.




Active Member
It looks good Galileo, healthy looking girl you got there, filling in pretty sweet too!!
Oh you wouldn't believe how fast she is growing. I'm very surprise that she is doing that well. I'm thinking that by the end of this month I should be able to see better results. I'm going to try to find a better camera and get some good quality pics on here. How's your project going?



Active Member
mines comeing along the ph was way to low around 5 i had to go get lime today to water into the soil i have gotten the run off up a couple notches hopefully ill see some positive results within the week, my problem was slowley getting worst when i thought it was getting better watering with ph'd water just slowed down the process.. im gonna post some updates tomorrow with pics!!


im not to sure about the size of the pots you may need to upgrade if you let it veg for much longer
Since it is an autoflower it isn't a matter of him "letting" it veg ; ). Autoflowers set their own time schedule. If you are going to transplant to a larger pot I would do it sooner rather than later. Don't want stress from the transplant to mess with your lady in flowering. She is looking good though, keep up the good work..


Well-Known Member
I know in 5 gallon buckets you can easily water every three days (at least with a peat / coir mix) I'd play around with cutting your watering back, it will mean less work for you and more oxygen for the plant.


Active Member
I know in 5 gallon buckets you can easily water every three days (at least with a peat / coir mix) I'd play around with cutting your watering back, it will mean less work for you and more oxygen for the plant.
Yeah, I decided to leave it in the same bucket. I figured there still space for it to grow and stay healthy. Hopefully, it won't surprise me, but either way it still a good learning experience. I'm very excited with this plant. Although there are some very small sort of white spots in one of the leafs, I think it is still okay. I added the last bit of fertilizer before I change to one with a higher level of phosphorous. I was planning on cutting the quantity of water, but because I added some fertilizer, I kind of want the soil/plant to break some of that and then I will slow down a bit with the water.


Active Member
I'm sad I haven't been able to get my friend to bring his camera so I can take some good pics. However, I did took some pics with the same camera that I've been using, but I really don't like these pics as much. Anyway, I also added an extra light, and hopefully she is enjoying it. The hairs are getting so damn long that I can't stop looking at it. It is pretty cool. Alright, I'll shut up; here are some pics.




Active Member
your gonna have some nice buds in a couple weeks!! and when you say white spots on leaves thats reminds me of spider mites...


Active Member
Hello Hello! Sorry I haven't post as many pictures lately. I've been pretty busy with my job and studying. Anyway, Emma (the name of the plant) is just doing great. I've been watering her a bit less than usual because I noticed that below the surface it is quite moist and I don't want to over-water her. Anyway, here are some pictures of her. I still haven't been able to get some good quality pictures, but better something than nothing. If any of you have any suggestions, please let me know. I'm looking forward to read some comments.

*I don't know why the pictures look like that tho, I take them vertically. :s

Mr. G.

