my situation


Well-Known Member
I dont have any pics but keep reading i have a plant thats in pro mix and has only been feed water nothing else, its been budding for awhile not sure how long.. i read that making a plant use its reserve energy by not feeding it will make buds taste better . Now its got many buds. and they look done but there not AS BIG as i would like lol .Maybe its the strain, or lack of food.. ill describe the plant 4 ur opinion . hairs white(not clear) and amber (brown tint) 50/50 leaves r yellow,light green, or dead.. even sum little branchs look yellowISH.. i dont wanna feed it when its so close 2 harvest.. should i wait 4 bigger buds? or am i expecting 2 much.. sorry if i wasted ur life with no pics. she dien? harvest now?


Well-Known Member
i'm a noob waiting for my ladies to harvest too (1st grow) but i think someone will say "Check Trichs".

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
A lot of weight comes on in the last two weeks of the plant's growth cycle. You should have had her on a nute regimen. That's more than likely why your buds were lackluster. Now you know for next time. Good luck!!