My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre


Well-Known Member
I don't care who surfs where on the internet at all.

I do know I have accidentally linked myself to pictures of beastiality clicking on regular porn sites. I didn't appreciate that. There were no animals on the page that directed me. Just women giving blow jobs.

And I have clicked to a site that downloaded a virus and destroyed my first computers mother board. Was I on a virus site?

You are kind of dumb buck.

Now go post your edited version of my post that says I love or defend beastiality. It would be no surprise.

You are the hater. You have always hated.
what made you decide to defend the guy on pedophilia websites and join the nazis in their "fake jew" crusade?


Well-Known Member
No, they don't you racist prick. Whites do, followed by blacks, followed by Hispanics, followed by Asians. Black's also have the misfortune of having laws specifically targeting them. Whites don't have that problem, nor do Hispanics or Asians.

Blacks are to this day the only people still persecuted and singled out in this country. They have been since they literally got off the boat.

I do not agree either but blacks are not the only people profiled for arrest in this country.

The hispanics sure are. And in many places the asians too.

And try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black or Hispanic set just standing there still holding and selling.

For my protection is what they told me. Not for the $1000 fine and 6months community service free labor.

They let the hookers go too. Even the black ones.


Well-Known Member
you="starting with the cynicism that the government is covering something up."

you have established our government is capable and willing to cover up tragedy. is it so cynical to consider it again, at least when searching for truths?
We are about one week away from this tragedy. There could be a second shooter but I won't believe it until a reputable source provides more information than just recordings of gunshots and some sciencey calculations. If it turns out there was a second shooter, wouldn't it be plausible that the reason we aren't hearing about it yet is law enforcement is doing due diligence before releasing the information?

So, I don't have all the information and don't care to have it, so I'm not certain there wasn't a second shooter. What I'm certain of is that a government cover up is a pretty dumb theory. Why would the govmint cover it up? OK, so, minds like @ttystikk can do the triple somersault and stick a landing on a mass of conjecture but I can't. The problem with that idea is, multiple levels of government and government agencies are involved: The City of Las Vegas, the State of Nevada, various departments in the federal government agencies. At least several hundred officials are involved in the investigation. A cover up would last only a few days or a couple of weeks at the outside in today's media-world.


Well-Known Member
We are about one week away from this tragedy. There could be a second shooter but I won't believe it until a reputable source provides more information than just recordings of gunshots and some sciencey calculations. If it turns out there was a second shooter, wouldn't it be plausible that the reason we aren't hearing about it yet is law enforcement is doing due diligence before releasing the information?

So, I don't have all the information and don't care to have it, so I'm not certain there wasn't a second shooter. What I'm certain of is that a government cover up is a pretty dumb theory. Why would the govmint cover it up? OK, so, minds like @ttystikk can do the triple somersault and stick a landing on a mass of conjecture but I can't. The problem with that idea is, multiple levels of government and government agencies are involved: The City of Las Vegas, the State of Nevada, various departments in the federal government agencies. At least several hundred officials are involved in the investigation. A cover up would last only a few days or a couple of weeks at the outside in today's media-world.
might not be government , but private sector manipulations would be easier for you to consider?
not trying to convince anyone of course, I dont have any evidence this was more than a whacko with guns, for now.
I like open minds and your style of discourse.


Well-Known Member
But when you have 8 AR15's with 100 round high capacity clips in them stacked up right beside you, you can, quite literally, get all 800 rounds into the crowd as fast as you can pick them up and put them down and grab the next one.

Which is exactly what he did.
So you're saying that 560+ out of 800 or 2/3 of all bullets fired hit someone? While using a bump stock?

Even snipers aren't that good.

Do you see how this single shooter story gets harder and harder to accept the more you dig into it?


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that 560+ out of 800 or 2/3 of all bullets fired hit someone? While using a bump stock?

Even snipers aren't that good.

Do you see how this single shooter story gets harder and harder to accept the more you dig into it?
Quit being an idiot.

It took him around a minute to empty the rounds from the rifles. Then the firing stopped for almost a minute as he swopped the clips in all of them. Then he did it again.

Read the fucking police report.