My very first grow, would greatly appreciate some input


Active Member
Hey guys, this is my very first grow and I'm pretty skeptical as to if I'm doing anything right or not. It seems like there is an abundance of information online about how to do it, when to do it, how not to do it, most of it just seems like personal preference...I just don't have a feel for it yet & don't know how to read my plants (if that makes sense)

I'm doing an indoor/outdoor grow, so I just have my seedlings in a windowsill for now & there is definitely some stretching occuring, I don't have any other options though as far as light is concerned. I'm not sure if I should re-pot (which I need to do anyways) and bury the stems until they can hold themselves up, or keep propping them up like I have been:


They're getting about 7hrs of sun a day, and I've been watering (no nutes yet) every 2 or 3 days depending on how the pot feels, PH has been steady at 6.6...
Soil Mixture:
5 pts organic top soil
5 pts pearlite
2 parts composted manure
1/2 pt dolomite lime
1 pt kelp meal

So, I think thats about it guys, another question, do you recommend sexing before transplanting to outside location? I was thinking this is the best idea, and in order to do that I know I am going to need to buy a light set up of some sort so any input on what you recommend for that would be great as well :)

Thank you so much! Sorry for posting so much for my first thread

ps. They were planted after germination (starting to sprout with about a 2 inch root), on 2/8 !
one thing id suggest is to repot when u can man, you'd be surprised how long those roots already are, can u put a fan on them aswell, that will help in making it more sturdy and able to grow without support


Well-Known Member
bury them deeper mate, try to keep a light on when they are not in the sun, that should help a bit, lights will help big style, all depends on your room and funds, try cfls for vegging if you can, thats the cheapest way.. good luck and yes repot also..
good point welshsmoker cfl;s work just fine, i was using them for around two weeks as they grew from seedling and they are growing beautiful now with thick stems


Active Member
bury them deeper mate, try to keep a light on when they are not in the sun, that should help a bit, lights will help big style, all depends on your room and funds, try cfls for vegging if you can, thats the cheapest way.. good luck and yes repot also..

okay so, once I get a light should they be on 18/6? & are 10 gallon pots alright or should I get bigger ones?

Thank you guys so much :)
not too much of a difference to be fair, people make all this big nonsense about 24 h or 18/6 its all preference, 10g pots are fine sounds good


Active Member
not too much of a difference to be fair, people make all this big nonsense about 24 h or 18/6 its all preference, 10g pots are fine sounds good

Alright, sorry, one last question, and I've been searching for about 2 hours for the answer but with no real concrete answer, what wattage CFL's should I use & how many? I have 6 seedlings right now, Sorry for asking so many questions >.<
anywhere from 13 watts to 125 watts..The lower the wattage the more you want...If you can get just one 125 watt or 150 watt thats all you need for your whole veg.Right now i use 4-27 watt cfls with a 150 hps for veg


Active Member
anywhere from 13 watts to 125 watts..The lower the wattage the more you want...If you can get just one 125 watt or 150 watt thats all you need for your whole veg.Right now i use 4-27 watt cfls with a 150 hps for veg
check out my grow journal, things are different now! :)